Flowers For Your Grave - Chapter 5

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A detective seemed absolutely shocked when he saw three huge boxes full of Castle's fan mail being carried in by uniformed cops. Kate ordered them to be brought to the precinct because she thought that he might have received any letters from the psycho killer they were looking for since he was obsessed with the best-selling author, or maybe just his books.

"All of that is Castle's mail?", the detective asked Beckett. "His fans love him...Almost as much as he loves himself", she added handing over one of the boxes. "Can you take that back to briefing please?" He simply did as he was told without a reply.

"Did we hear back from the lab?", she asked Javi as she turned to look at him. "Yeah. The scene was negative for DNA and prints. Just like Fisck", he said, referring to the first case of the lawyer. "This guy's careful." "What about Tisdale and Fisck? Any connection?", she asked.

"Other than your boy there, no." he answered, looking at the Captain's office where Richard and Cap Montgomery seemed to be having a conversation. Beckett turned around to see them just in time to make eye contact with him. Oh, no! she thought and turned around quickly as Castle resumed his conversation.

"What's he doing here?", she asked Javi, trying to calm her nerves. "Maybe he likes you.", Espo teased. Kate gave him a sarcastic smile thinking that she was indeed working with teenagers. At that very moment the Cap. called out for her, gesturing for her to join him.

"Yes sir?", she said with a smile. "Mr. Castle's offered to assist with this investigation." "Really?", she said as she looked at Castle who had a smug grin on his face and a jacket slung over his shoulder.

"It's the least I can do for the city I love", he said which earned him a mental eye roll from Beckett. Ha! she thought. The captain would never agree to this.

"Considering the nature of this case I think it's a good idea." was all that Captain Montgomery said before he starting going back inside his office. Kate's smile immediately disappeared from her face. No way in hell would she let that arrogant man interfere in her investigation.

"Sir, can I talk to you, for a minute." The Captain turned around but said nothing, letting her continue. "In private.", she added as she looked at Castle.

"Nope." was the answer she got. Captain Montgomery knew exactly what she was going to say and he didn't want to hear a word of it. He decided that a girl like her could use some fun in her life and her job and Richard was just the man for it.

Kate was left with her mouth wide open and a frown. She couldn't believe what he just did! He was the Captain of the precinct and there was no chance she could disobey his orders. Great. Now she was stuck with the most obnoxious man, she had ever met in her entire life!

Richard came to stand in front of her, giving her another one of his cheeky grins. And all Beckett could do was huff and narrow her eyes at the man standing before her as she turned around and stomped off.


Thank you so much for reading this book and I hope you're enjoying it. I promise to update more often. Please vote, comment and recommend!! :D

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