Titanic with the Idiot Squad!(kinda)

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Cinna:*casually holding Hypno like Jack did with Rose*

Hypno:*legit just t-posing*

Ifrit:"Uh, guys-"

Enok:*literally five seconds away from throwing up* "What..."

Ifrit:"There's a conveniently placed rock over there."

Flare:"A what?"

Ifrit:"A conveniently placed rock."


Jigz:"Didn't we drop them in the water?"

Flare:"I'll go get them!"

[Flare goes skele-shark form after jumping into the water and swims away to go find the paddles for the Idiot Squad boat]

Ifrit:"...well the-"

[The boat crashes into the conveniently placed rock, Cinna starts singing the national anthem while Enok screeches and tries to get away from the water- Hypno falls into the water and Ifrit just let's himself get dragged in, Jigz is unamused and is sitting on a broken piece of the boat whilst staring at the others.]

[Oh, yeah, Cinna fell into the water, dragging Enok with him- Enok crashed and water go bzzt bzzt]

[Lets...uh- just go to after this...]

Enok:*sitting inside of the fire place while grumbling about how he hates Cinna. Very grumpy boi*

Cinna:*sitting on the couch and drinking hot coco with a blanket wrapped around himself*

Flare:*nomming on a dead fish he snagged from the water like nothing happened*

Jigz:*just laying on the couch*

Ifrit:*casually making more hot coco*

Hypno:*right next to the fireplace trying to get warm*

Cinna:"Enok, you sure you should be sitting in the fireplace?"

Enok:*lookin' like an angry soggy cat* "Shut your mouth."

Cinna:*sips his hot coco aggressively while giving Enok the middle finger*

[Cinna and Enok procede to angrily glare at eachother, both calling eachother whores in Czech(Enok) and Spanish(Cinna)-]

Ifrit:"Well, safe to say- next time we're going to use my ship."

Flare:*nodding* "Yeah, that sounds like a better idea!"

Enok:*mortified* "WHA- WHAT DO YOU MEAN NEXT TIME?!"

Cinna:"We're going om another trip!"


[Cut to the Idiot Squad(ft.an unwilling Enok pt2) on Ifrit's boat. Enok hates the Idiot Squad and will be burning down the house.]

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