When Tempers Explode

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Chapter 6: When Tempers Explode

The storm everyone had anticipated finally arrived on a blistering afternoon in the middle of a key shoot. Aryan and Selena had been bickering all day, but this time, things spiraled completely out of control. What started as a simple disagreement over blocking escalated into a volcanic eruption that left the entire crew stunned.


A Brewing Storm

Aryan stood at the center of the set, frustration etched across his face as he glared at the director. "Why does her character get all the emotional beats in this scene? It makes no sense!"

Selena, lounging lazily in a chair nearby, arched an eyebrow. "Oh please, Aryan. Are you seriously whining because my role has more depth? Not everything needs to revolve around you."

Aryan turned to her with a sarcastic grin. "Well, forgive me, Your Majesty. I didn't realize this was the Selena Reed Show. Maybe we should all just bow down and let you rewrite the entire script."

Selena rolled her eyes. "At least if I rewrote it, people would want to watch the film."

The crew shifted uncomfortably, sensing the confrontation was heading into dangerous territory. Ravi Mehta tried to intervene, raising his hands in a plea for peace. "Guys, let's focus-"

But Aryan wasn't done. "You know what, Selena? You're not even that great an actor. You just coast on your looks and whatever pity Hollywood throws at you."

Selena's expression hardened, her voice dropping to a low, dangerous tone. "And you? You play the same character in every movie-angry hero with a tragic past. Congratulations on your versatility, Kapoor."


The Explosion

Aryan took a step closer, towering over her. "At least I take my craft seriously. I don't just show up, flirt with the camera, and call it acting."

Selena shot to her feet, standing toe to toe with him. "You mean like you do? You think yelling in every scene makes you a better actor? Newsflash: it doesn't."

"Maybe if you weren't such a control freak, people would actually enjoy working with you," Aryan hissed.

"And maybe if you stopped being a pompous ass for five minutes, you'd realize nobody likes you either," Selena fired back.

That was it. The gloves were off, and their voices rose higher and higher until the entire set felt like it was on the verge of collapse.

"ENOUGH!" Ravi roared, slamming his clipboard down so hard it echoed across the soundstage. The room fell into stunned silence.

"We're done for the day!" Ravi announced, breathing heavily. "Everyone, go home. Aryan, Selena-get your heads straight before you come back, or this movie is over. I don't care how famous you are. I'm not putting up with this crap."

He stormed off, leaving the crew frozen in place, exchanging wide-eyed glances. Production was officially halted for the day.


Flashbacks: Aryan's Baggage

Alone in his trailer, Aryan paced restlessly, his hands clenched into fists. His heart still pounded from the fight, but beneath his anger was something deeper-something much harder to shake.

He paused in front of a framed photo of his family-his father, a legendary Bollywood actor, smiling proudly beside Aryan's older brother, who had followed in their father's footsteps. Aryan's chest tightened.

They'd never expected much from him. He wasn't supposed to be the golden child; that title had always belonged to his brother. Aryan's career in acting had started as an act of rebellion, but over time, it became something more-a desperate attempt to prove to his family that he was just as talented, just as worthy.

His perfectionism was a shield. Every criticism felt like a reminder that he would never be good enough, that he had to work twice as hard to be taken seriously. And that pressure? It never let up.

He sank into the couch, running a hand through his hair. No matter how high he climbed, it always felt like he was one step away from falling.


Flashbacks: Selena's Wounds

On the other side of the lot, Selena sat cross-legged on the floor of her trailer, flipping through old tabloid clippings she kept hidden in a drawer. They were reminders of a time she'd rather forget-a time when she'd trusted the wrong people.

Her early days in Hollywood had been brutal. She was young, ambitious, and naïve, believing the promises of producers and directors who claimed they wanted to help her shine. Instead, they used her and discarded her when she wasn't useful anymore. The betrayal had stung deeply, especially from people she'd considered friends.

Selena had learned the hard way that the only person she could rely on was herself. She built her walls high, kept people at a distance, and cultivated a reputation for being difficult-better to be feared than hurt.

And now here she was, halfway across the world, facing off against another arrogant man who thought he knew everything. She told herself she didn't care what Aryan thought, but deep down, his words cut through her armor.

She closed the drawer with a sigh. No one saw the cracks beneath the surface. And that was exactly how she wanted it.


Unfinished Business

Later that night, Aryan and Selena both found themselves lingering outside the studio, neither ready to leave just yet. They spotted each other from across the parking lot, and for a moment, neither moved.

Aryan broke the silence first. "You know, we're going to have to figure this out eventually."

Selena crossed her arms. "You mean without trying to kill each other?"

Aryan gave a small, humorless laugh. "Yeah. Something like that."

She hesitated, then asked, "Why do you care so much about being perfect?"

He looked away, hands in his pockets. "Why do you care so much about pushing people away?"

Selena's lips pressed into a thin line. "Touché."

They stood in awkward silence for a moment, both reluctant to admit how much their fight had affected them.

"I don't hate you, you know," Aryan muttered finally.

Selena glanced at him, surprised by the honesty in his voice. "I don't hate you either."

He gave her a sideways smile. "I just think you're a pain in the ass."

Selena smirked. "Right back at you."

For the first time, the tension between them eased, if only a little. It wasn't peace-not yet-but it was something.


A New Day

The next morning, Aryan and Selena showed up to set, still guarded but slightly less hostile. The crew watched cautiously, unsure whether the storm had truly passed or if it was just the eye of the hurricane.

Ravi Mehta eyed them both warily as they took their places for the day's shoot. "Are we good?" he asked.

Aryan and Selena exchanged a glance.

"Yeah," Aryan said. "We're good."

Selena nodded. "For now."

Ravi sighed in relief. "I'll take it."

The cameras rolled, and for the first time, Aryan and Selena gave a performance that wasn't fueled by anger-but something much more complicated.

It wasn't peace. But it was a start.

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