A Global Storm

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Chapter 13: A Global Storm

The sunlight streamed into the hotel suite as Selena rubbed her temples, trying to shake off the lingering jet lag. The promotional tour was only on its third day, and she already felt the exhaustion creeping in. They had traveled across time zones, met with reporters in London, Tokyo, and New York, and now they were in Paris-the so-called city of love, which felt like a cruel joke given her situation with Aryan.

She glanced at her phone. Their first interview of the day was in an hour, and she hadn't even gotten dressed. Professionalism was the only way she could survive this tour without losing her mind-or her patience with Aryan, who seemed to specialize in pushing all the wrong buttons.

Selena sighed and headed toward the en-suite bathroom. Just as she turned the handle, the door swung open-and there he was.

Aryan stood bare-chested, a towel slung loosely around his neck, droplets of water glistening on his skin. His damp hair curled slightly at the ends, and a lazy smirk curved on his lips when he noticed Selena standing frozen in the doorway.

"Morning, sunshine," Aryan said, his voice low and teasing.

Selena blinked, her brain struggling to process the sight before her. "What... what are you doing in my room?"

Aryan chuckled and leaned casually against the doorframe. "We're sharing a suite, remember? Paul thought it'd save time."

She cursed under her breath. Of course Paul had thought of this genius idea. Save time, huh? More like throw them together to sell the fantasy of their fake relationship.

Selena took a step back, trying to maintain her composure. "Could you at least put on a shirt?"

Aryan raised a brow, the smirk never leaving his face. "Why? Does this bother you?"

"Yes," Selena said flatly, though the warmth creeping up her neck betrayed her. "It's... distracting."

Aryan laughed-a rich, deep sound that sent an unexpected flutter through her chest. "Relax, princess. I'll be out of your way in a second."

He grabbed a shirt from his bag and, in one smooth motion, pulled it over his head. Selena exhaled sharply, as if she'd been holding her breath. She hated that she noticed how broad his shoulders were-and she hated even more how amused Aryan seemed by her reaction.


**An Awkward Start**

By the time they reached the venue for their first interview, the tension between them was palpable. Selena sat stiffly on the plush chair while Aryan slouched next to her, all casual confidence.

The interviewer, a stylish Frenchwoman with bright red lipstick, smiled warmly. "You two have been on quite the whirlwind tour. How's the chemistry holding up off-screen?"

Selena forced a smile. "Oh, we manage."

Aryan leaned closer, flashing his signature grin. "Some days are easier than others."

The interviewer chuckled knowingly. "There have been rumors that the two of you are more than just co-stars. Any truth to that?"

Selena's heart skipped a beat. She glanced at Aryan, who gave nothing away except a slight lift of his brow-waiting to see how she'd handle the question.

She smiled politely, though her nails dug into the armrest. "We're just good friends."

Aryan gave a lazy shrug. "Really good friends."

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