Counseling and Confessions

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Chapter 18: Counseling and Confessions

The next counseling session felt heavier than usual. The tension between Aryan and Selena, still simmering from the kiss they'd shared during their argument, was palpable. They sat across from each other on the plush couches in Colette's office, their eyes avoiding any accidental meeting.

Colette, ever perceptive, tilted her head slightly, observing them with a patient smile. "It seems like we have some things to unpack today, no?" Her French accent was warm, yet disarmingly direct.

Aryan shifted uncomfortably in his seat, stealing a glance at Selena, who sat stiffly with her arms crossed. Neither of them seemed eager to speak first.

"Shall we start with the kiss?" Colette prompted, her tone gentle but probing.

Aryan's jaw tightened. He rubbed the back of his neck, exhaling sharply. "It was...a mistake."

Selena flinched at the word, her heart twinging painfully. "Yeah. Definitely a mistake," she muttered, though the words sounded more like she was trying to convince herself.

Colette leaned forward slightly. "Mistake or not, it happened. And it seems to have stirred some very real emotions between you two."

Aryan looked down at his hands. His mind replayed the way her lips had felt, the heat of the moment, the way it had scared him more than he wanted to admit.

"Why don't we talk about what's really bothering you, Aryan?" Colette suggested. "What are you so afraid of?"

He let out a bitter laugh. "Afraid? I'm not afraid."

Colette gave him a knowing look, the kind that made him feel like she could see straight through him. "Denial won't get us anywhere, Aryan."

Selena watched him quietly, her defenses still up but softening at the edges. She knew Aryan wasn't one to open up easily.

He finally let out a frustrated sigh. "Fine. I'm afraid of ruining things, okay? I've been here before-where emotions get messy, and things fall apart. I can't afford to lose this movie or mess things up with Selena."

There was a vulnerability in his voice that took Selena by surprise. She'd never seen this side of him-the side that wasn't cocky or guarded.

Colette nodded encouragingly. "So you push her away because it feels safer that way?"

Aryan gave a small, reluctant nod, not trusting himself to say more.

Colette turned to Selena next. "And you, Selena? What is it that you're afraid of?"

Selena hesitated, her gaze dropping to the floor. "I don't like being vulnerable," she whispered. "It feels... dangerous. I've been burned before, and every time I let someone get too close, it ends badly."

Her voice cracked slightly at the end, and Aryan's chest tightened. He wasn't used to seeing Selena like this-open and raw. It made him want to reach out to her, but he knew better than to act on that impulse now.

Colette gave her a warm smile. "It's understandable to want to protect yourself. But vulnerability isn't a weakness. Sometimes, it's the only way to really connect."

Selena's throat felt tight, and she nodded, though it felt like a weight was pressing on her chest.

For the first time in a long while, the room wasn't filled with their usual sarcasm or biting remarks. There were no shields, no walls-just two people sitting across from each other, trying to figure out what they meant to one another.

Aryan cleared his throat. "Look, Selena... about what happened-"

"Don't," she interrupted softly, but there was no anger in her voice this time. "I know. It scared me too."

The honesty between them was fragile, but it felt like the start of something real.

"Do you both realize how much you care about each other?" Colette asked, looking between them. "That connection-whether it's messy or complicated-is something worth figuring out."

They exchanged glances, a silent understanding passing between them. Neither of them had all the answers, but for the first time, they weren't running from the questions.


The Walk Back to the Hotel

After the session ended, they walked back to the hotel in silence, the cool night air wrapping around them. The Paris streets were quieter now, the hum of the city softened under the glow of streetlights.

Selena stuffed her hands into her coat pockets, glancing sideways at Aryan. "So... counseling, huh? Who would've thought it'd actually help."

Aryan chuckled, the sound lighter than it had been in days. "Don't tell anyone. I've got a reputation to maintain."

She rolled her eyes but smiled. For the first time in a while, things between them didn't feel so tense.

They reached the front of the hotel, lingering by the entrance. Neither of them seemed eager to say goodnight just yet.

"I'm glad we talked," Selena admitted quietly.

"Me too," Aryan said, his gaze soft as it lingered on her face.

For a brief moment, the air between them shifted-something unspoken passing between them. It wasn't the fiery tension they were used to, but something deeper.

Selena looked down, suddenly feeling shy under his gaze. "Goodnight, Aryan."

"Goodnight, Selena."

As she turned to head inside, Aryan watched her go, his heart feeling lighter and heavier all at once. Whatever this was between them, it wasn't simple. But maybe, just maybe, it was worth figuring out.

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