Drunk and scared

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Chapter 12

Kylies POV

as we walk in I can feel the Party energy, the music, the smell of alcohol, and just the overall fun I missed, ruby leads me to the bar and orders me a double vodka cran, I don't normally drink them they have to much sugar, but if im only drinking this, I should be fine with no hangover in the morning. I feel my eyes dart around the room scanning it for the brown curly hair girl, but I don't see her she must not be her yet, Ruby spots morgan and dara sitting on the couches and she pulls me over, she is already pretty drunk I can tell by how excited she is.  they all start talking, but all I can do is fiddle with my hands and the red solo cup I was drinking out off, just hoping Malia Walks in.

We have been here for about an hour now, my drink is almost empty, but I know I can't have another, I made a promise to myself, I slump into the couch releasing she isnt going to show, and I got excited for nothing,
"Babe she might still come, she could just be fashionably late" Ruby says with her hand on my knee
"Ya I guess" I just shrug,"Im going to get another drink looks like im not having the big chat I wanted to"
"Ok Ky, But just be carful she might still come" Ruby is kinda slurring her words, but I know she really wants me to be smart with the amount I drink tonight. '

I go up to the bar and order another vodka cran with a double shot, I just am standing there waiting for my drink when I hear it, "Kylie" someone says in a low tone, but I know that tone all to well, I spin around and....... There she is standing right in front of me, in a tiny black slip dress with little black heals on.
"uhh Malia, hey how are you" Im terrified, my heart is beating through my chest, and my hands are shaking.
"Good" Malia isnt giving me anything she looks so sad, but also so beautiful
The bartender grabs my attention handing me my drink, and well lets just say that second drink wasnt my best choice
"Perfect it's Drunk Kylie, My favorite," Malia rolls her eyes and turns to walk alway
"No Malia im sober this is only my second drink" she is gone Malia walked away she doesn't want to talk to me, I feel my heart break even more, I dont get it why cant she look at me and talk why does she keep running, I push through the crowd to find Ruby,
"Ruby she is here"
"WHAT" ruby yells
"Malia is here she said hi to me and than walked away what do I do"
and at the same time everyone, Ruby, Josh, Dara, and Morgan yell
I just tern and go, looking everywhere but she is no where, I can't find her, dont get it, she was here 2 seconds ago.


God I should have been more prepared to see her, Morgan told me she was probably going to be there, but I guess I wasn't Fully ready, I saw her at the bar and my first instinct was to follow behind her and, than when she had turned around, and I saw how shocked she looked I knew I needed to get away, she was drinking of course, Why couldn't she be sober right now, I wanted to talk to her and just put everything in the past maybe form some type of friendship, But I couldn't. I needed a drink or maybe 10 to get this weight off my chest, so I ran away and went to the outside bar to take a few shots and down a few drinks before I could face her.
I saw Momo one of my best friends, and I ran over asking her to come with me to do a shot, and she just followed, she knew Kylie was there and knew I needed someone to be with, we took one shot, another, and another, she didn't keep going just kinda stood there until I was on my fifth shot in a row and she stepped in
"Yo Malia thats enough, I get its hard seeing her, but drinking this much isnt a health coping mechanism"
"Im good I just didn't drink before coming" I lied I had 5 shots before leaving.
" Just take a break, and than in like an hour you can drink more girl"
"Can I get a double vodka cran please" I just yell over Momo and get my next drink
"Mia dude slow down"
"Im fine" Truth is I wasnt, My knees were already bucking, I I could feel the drunk mess kicking in at full spead. I grab my drink and walk over with Momo to the area I found her.

It's been 20 minutes and Im drunk, not just a little Drunk Like I can't stand they had to bring a chair over to me, because I was stumbling everywhere, and than I can see the red Streaks in a girls hair and realize it was Kylie
" Fuck me "I muddier underneath my breath
"Malia, please can we talk" the girl in the distance says loudly for me to hear, she doesn't know how drunk I am.
"Um about what" I kinda slurred but hoping she thinks it was just my nerves taking over, Im slumped in a chair way to drunk to have this conversation but she just keeps walking over.
"woah, Mia your drunk, what is going on" she says worried
"Im fine, what do you care" I snap back
"Mia I have always cared, I have texted and called, I have tried so hard to talk to you, but you completely shut me out, I dont know how to explain what the past 2 months have been like"
"Kylie please I can't" I try to get up to leave, but i completely fall, and of course the person to catch me is Kylie
"Malia your way to drunk please you have to sit down"
"you dont get to do that you dont get to pretend you care anymore" Im sluring my words, I can't tell if anything makes sense I try and push Kylie away but she wont let go
"KYLIE JUST STOP" I yell and than everything goes black......

"KYLIE JUST STOP" Malia screams as she tries to walk away, and she collapses, she falls limp, Im just standing there holding her, tears are streaming down my face, But i know I have to help her, im not leaving her like this.
"GO GET RUBY NOW" I scream, and 2 girls go running to get her, "SOMEONE GET ME WATER, BAGS" Im yelling at everyone, a girls gets me 2 bottles of water someone hands me bags, im just holding malia preparing for the worse, Ruby comes running out
"KYLIE WHAT HAPPENED" she rushes over to me helping me hold everything, but don't let go of Malia, I have my grip on her so tight,
"she was so drunk when I found her, Ruby I have to get her home can I use Joshs car"
"Kylie is it the best idea for you to do this"
"Ruby get me his fucking keys, she needs to go home, please" im crying hard at this point, scared for malia, scared for what's to come.
Ruby just runs inside, getting me the keys and I make my way to Josh car, holding Malia like a baby, Ruby opens the back seat of the car, I get Malia in it Placing a bag right by her incase, she pukes. I run to the drives side and yell to Ruby
I start the drive, checking in the mirror to make sure she is ok, the drive couldnn't take any longer every red light seems to take minutes to change, everyone is driving so slow I just want Malia to be home and safe.

After what felt like an eternity we pull into the parking lot, Malia hasn't moved an inch, she is out, I check to make sure she is breathing before I pick her up Again, I carry her inside the building and too the elevator, everything the same, once I get to the floor I walk all the way down the hall to her place, Im scrambling to unlock the door with the keys in Malias purse, I had Ruby take mine from me so I wouldnt go in. I throw the door open and walk in, Nothing is chanced, except the sink is full of dirty dishes, laundry half folded in the living room, the laundry she was doing the night we broke up I think,  the place is a mess, but it feels so familiar, it feels like home. I stop looking around and I walk straight to the room me and her shared, I place her down on the bed, and start looking for pjs, Im not forcing the girl to wake up in her dress, I find an old shirt, and my old Pj shorts that must have not made it to me during the move, I change her. and lay her on her side of the bed, I run and get a garbage, and place it by her head, making sure she is on her side. I leave the room and get a glass of water, and place it on the night stand, but I cant help myself, I start picking up all the dirty glasses in the room, and all of a sudden Im cleaning the whole apartment.

15 minutes later my phone starts ringing its ruby
"hey ruby she is ok, I have her asleep, with everything she needs"
"Ok we will switch you go home and I will stay with her tonight"
"No i am"
"Ky you know you can't, thats not smart she is going to wake up completely confused, scared and sick, and the last thing she is going to want is you taking care of her'
"Ruby i will not leave, Im going to sleep on the couch, and make sure everything is taken care of"
"Im not leaving, you can't force me" I hang up \

Maybe this isnt smart but I can't leave her, who knows what could happen, she needs me, well maybe not me but she needs someone to be there for her, and that someone is going to be me even if she hates me more for it,..

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