Move in round 2

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Chapter 15

Malia Pov
It has been a week since me and Kylie chatted, we went out with the cast to prepare for some press stuff this week for the upcoming things, like tour and a few holiday promo's, and it terns out me and Kylie are good at this whole friends thing, ignoring the glances that might be a bit longer than they should, or the arm touches, but she is always trying to show improvement, Kylie is actually moving back in today, so I spent the morning preparing the spare room, and deep cleaning the whole apartment, I know only giving us a week might seem like a short thing but the truth is im terrified being alone, and I know Kylie can make me feel safe.

kylie and her dad are coming to move her back in, I love her dad he has always ever since i met him made me feel loved, he takes care of everything and made Kylie the person she is, he knows me and kylie's past and he supports us, but also wants what is best not just for us but our careers. once i got the text they were coming up I did my finishing touches which might have been spraying my perfume in kylie's room very close to her pillows and putting the note I wrote her on the night stand. We are taking it slow it is to build back trust and make sure we both are confident and happy through the whole time.

and they walk in with suit cases and boxes
"Wow ky I always forget how much stuff comes with you, might need to take my closet too at this point" I say as I hug her and her dad
"you gotta know at one point" she hands me a box with my name on it
"what is this?"
"all the stuff that i might have had of yours and a few things you needed back"
"oh sure i will open this later"

I don't know what is in the box but i dont need emotions and stuff right now i gotta move kylie in.

"ok you too kylie is all the way moved in and im exhausted, so i will head out, please get sleep and text me if anything happens, i love you both so much" he says hugging each of us and heading to the door "also tomorrow 2pm studio Kylie you have to finish the song"
"I know dad I love you" she rolls her eyes at him as she closes the door
"god he makes me go crazy" she lets out as she throws herself on the couch
"He loves you ky"
"well sometimes it's annoying, anyways do you want some food or something?"
"ya I was going to cook some vegan chicken tenders, and i think i have some of yours still in the freezer"
"perfect that you....... Malia?" she kinda sounds nervous so i turn to face her
"can i call you like pretty? like when can i chance the way I talk to you"
"Ky i dont care what you call me, I mean pretty gets you some extra points so"
she just smiles at me and blushes as she pulls her phone out and plays some music well we cook.

me and Malia are cooking both just quiet, it feels like old times again, but i want to talk to her about something to make sure no more secrets.
"what's up" she still cooking and not looking at me
"yes kylie"she puts the knife down and stops cutting up lettuce for the salad
"you remember how we said no secrets"
"yes...." she seems hesitant
"we i have something i need to tell you because i want to be honest, but i was...umm i might have been.."
"doing drugs when you were living here before?" malia tilts her head to the side looking at me with both concerned and has care
"ya, im better now, ruby and me worked on it, and I think im going to stop drinking too, just as a precaution"
"ok ky i appreciate you telling me, there is no judgement i want you to be safe so im here for you" she puts her hand on my shoulder than goes back to cooking as do i
"so how did you know?"
"you went to the store and came back with nothing at least 2 times a week, and kylie when you love someone you know when they are struggling"
"why didnt you call me out"
"i never had proof you could have been more hurt if i said something"
"malia i know im not supposed to say this but I love you" i couldn't not say it i do i love her so much and her not judging me or making me feel bad makes the love stronger
"Ky i love you too"
Oh my god she said it back, she does love me still. this moment is the happiest i have felt in so long.

later that night we watched a movie both sitting on different couches, Malia cleaned the kitchen from dinner which i wanted to do but she told me if i did it it wouldnt have been done the way she wanted, which is so true. we decided to call it a night, i could see malia falling asleep and didnt want her to not make it to her bed, so we went our separate ways, when i walked in the room that was now mine, i got changed into pjs and went to the kitchen to get some water, i noticed malia changing threw the crack of the door and couldn't help but look, yes i know definitely not following the rules but you would look too.

"Kylie look away she throws a shirt at me"
"shit my bad"
"creep go to bed"she giggles and she walks over to the door and before she closes it winks at me
i hear her giggle from her room
"something im good at, oh also my perfume was sprayed on your pillow, have sweet dreams babe"
"i knew it"
"good night ky"
"night lia i love you"
she didnt say anything back but i knew she was smiling in there.

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