Hard times

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Chapter 17

Kylie Pov
I woke up feeling warm and than I realized why, Malia was cuddled into my chest on arm over my stomach and I had both of my arms wrapped around her waist pulling her in, This was the warmest I had been in a long time, I squeezed her a little tighter and smilies as I felt her snuggle in more. I laid still for about 5 minutes, I didn't want to wake Malia up. But the truth is I was going to pee my pants any second now, so I started kissing her cheek, and her nose, and her forehead and all I got was a few mumbles and a small smilie, she was half asleep.
"Malia, love I have to pee so bad, I will come right back" I start to slowly back away but she pulls me in tighter and opens her eyes
"Mia baby please I have to pee so bad" I giggle
"Fine but be quick, I want to cuddle more" she sighed as she finally lets go

I run to the bathroom pee as quick as I can and come back, jump onto the bed and cuddle up to her as close as I can, Malia quickly turns around so we are face to face
"well good morning"
"good morning to you to Pretty girl" After I said that malia moved her face closer kissing the tip of my nose and laying her head into the crook of my neck.
"Malia do you know what time it is"
"Mhmmm" she shakes her head and I let out a small laugh
"what" she shot up and started panicking
"Babe what, what is wrong"
"SHIT KY, the house is a mess and I have so much stuff the next few days I need to prepare for let alone get ready for the Cottage and so do you, we leave monday"
"wait so what is the rush if we are leaving on monday"
"Oh my god Malia, I promise everything will get figured out, why don't we start cleaning and than move on to the next thing on the list, take it step by step"
"You know me so well" Malia walks over to me laying on the bed and gives me a short but sweet kiss.

as I go to get out of bed my phone dings, I grab my phone and see her name
~Ruby sent a message~
I open my phone nervous to see what it says, I know malia told me not to worry but I still am
~Hey Ky, we should probably talk about last night.~
~ I want to say sorry, but I also feel like there is so much more we should speak about that we both are feeling, LMK if you want to chat in person~
I just kinda stare at the text, because I know she is right before we go on a trip for 5 days we should probably figure out what is going on between us. But I told Malia I would help her complete her tasks

"Kylie love everything ok" I hear her say from the kitchen
"Um ya"
I hear her foot steps coming in, Im now sitting with my head up on the headboard looking at my phone
"Whats going on"
"It's just Ruby, she texted me asking to talk"
"Ok so why are you stressed out"
"well she wants to talk in person, and today, but I told you I would......"
"No you arent helping me, go talk to her Ky this is good for both of you"
"But who is going to help you, the house is a mess"
" I got it I love cleaning and it will help me calm down about everything coming up a good rest"
"Are you sure"
"get up and get ready" she places a kiss on my cheek and she leaves the room

~Hey, for sure I can come and get you and we can go to a Cafe or something~

~sounds good see you soon~

An hour later Im ready, I walk out of the room to the house half clean feeling guilty for not helping, Malia is dancing around the kitchen putting away the dishes. I go up behind her and give her a hug before I leave.
"I will see you in a few hours, Call me if you need anything"
"Ok Ky have fun, Don't be nervous you will figure It out you always do" she squeezed me a little tighter
I give her a small kiss before turning around and leaving..  

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