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My brothers and I knew a shortcut to Irontown, so we rode stealthily there. "Open up! Open up! I need to talk to Ashitaka immediately! Quickly open it!" I whispered urgently. The guards opened the door. "And lock it! Tight!" I ran to Ashitaka's house in the village.

I knocked on his door urgently. "Who are you, coming to me at such an hour?" He muttered sleepily. "It's me! San! Open up! Quickly!" I heard footsteps so it must be him. He opened the door. "What made you come so early?" He asked while rubbing his eyes. I frantically explained everything. His eyes widened. He gave me a whole bunch of arrows and a silver bow with my name- San. "Here. Take it. I made it for you. Use it in the battle," he said. It was beautiful.  Then he took his sword, bow and arrows and ran to the stable that contained Yakul. He sat on Yakul and followed me to Lady Eboshi. He knocked in the door and heard a sleepy feminine voice," who's there?" "I'm Ashitaka and beside me is San. Quickly open up! We have news! Quick!" Ashitaka shouted and banged the door hard. Suddenly, the door swung open. Lady Eboshi herself opened the door. He quickly explained the situation and she went to a cupboard and took her gun out. She also changed into pants and shirt. Then she took a sword and some ammo. "Come, let us defend the village. I will wake the folk. Hurry!" We all ran to the village centre. We all started banging doors and telling the villagers what had happened. Soon, the whole village was up and ready to fight. The women wore pants and had guns and ammo. The men wore the same, but in their hands held swords, pitchforks, bombs, torches of fire and bows and arrows. I could see that everyone was treating this battle seriously as all their faces were very grave.
"Ladies! Men with bows! Line up at the top front of the fortress! Men with swords and pitchforks! Surround the inside of the fortress! Now, men with bombs and dynamite, follow me to the village mountain!" Lady Eboshi barked orders. She and some men escorts went up to the village mountain. Ashitaka and I followed Lady Eboshi to the village mountain. There we lay, quietly. "Lady Eboshi! They're coming!" whispered a man. She nodded. Sure enough, a swarm of lions were coming towards us. I thought that we may have a chance to kill the stupid idiots- we had the element of surprise.

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