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Lady Eboshi nodded at the men with boms and dynamite. Then they lighted the bombs and threw them at the swarm of lions. As the bombs blasted, a lot of lion bodies flew in the air. About ten or eleven lions were killed. A loud, hateful, cry of anger rang in everybody's ears. It was clear that the assistant leader (who I think may be the new leader) of the Lion Tribe hated us. "How dare you!" It roared. I took my bow and shot him. It hit him square in the eye. He roared in pain. I smirked. "Then how dare your leader bite Ashitaka?!" I retorted. He grunted. " My dear fellow Lions, ATTACK THEM IMMEDIATELY!" Then the men threw bombs. The women shot the stupid demonic lions. I used the bow Ashitaka gave me and shot some lions. We killed about half of the lions. Suddenly, the lions started to climb up to the mountain. "Ashitaka! Run! You're gonna die! Go! You will suffer so many bites! Hurry GO!" I was yelling at the top of my voice. "ROARR..." Roared a familiar voice. "GET THE BOY AND BITE HIM IF YOU CAN. THAT WAS MASTER's LAST WISH. DO IT NOW!"

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