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That stupid stubborn human didn't want to leave. Instead of leaving, he stood there, telling the other people not to let the creatures touch them or they'll be under a curse. He was fighting those monsters. Alone. On the mountain. I ran to him and helped him. Yakul was guarded by my brothers, who was biting and tearing the flesh of the demons. "SAN! GO HELP THE VILLAGERS! I WILL TAKE CARE OF THIS MYSELF! GO!" He was screaming this at me. "NO ASHITAKA! WE'RE FIGHTING TOGETHER THIS TIME!"
Suddenly I heard a loud howl. That has got to be my brother in pain. "GO SAN! I WILL BE FINE!" I nodded. "JUST REMEMBER, ASHITAKA! DON'T DIE!"
With that, I ran to my brother.

My brother was bitten by a lion. Anger blinded me. I stabbed the lions like a madwoman. All the time I was cursing them under my breath. "AGGGH!" That must be Ashitaka! Oh no! My other brother howled and bit any possessed lion that went into his path. Yakul used his strong hind legs and kicked the lions. I ran to Ashitaka at once.

When I managed to climb up the mountain, there was a bunch of lions on him. Probably biting him. No! Ashitaka, don't die! I furiously used my dagger and killed the lions on him. I kept stabbing. Soon I was done. Then a Lion jumped on him and bit him.

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