Aftermath: November 8th, 2004

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We sat in that tunnel for hours waiting for the few people who we sent back out to trek back up to tidmouth and they had finnaly come back saying how it was silent and there was no sign of tripods anywhere. We began to reverse down the line and it was completely silent. Only the sound of wind filled the eerie silence. As we entered tidmouth we found Murdoch. He crashed through a pair of buffers and onto the station platform. Just like Billy he was gone, nothing but dust.

As we neared tidmouth sheds we heard the sound of muffled talking coming from within the sheds. We opened one of the births and we found Molly. Thankfully her crew, tony and Gabby, were also with her. Molly looked confused and horrified. She had clearly seen something. We tried asking her what had happened, but she kept talking about dust. We asked Gabby what the hell happened and she said they were preparing a small goods train in the yards at tidmouth when the storm rolled in. A massive lightning bolt hit the ground nearby and what they thought was some type of machine rose from the ground. After a few seconds it began shooting the nearby people turning them into dust. They didn't waste any time and raced out of the yard. Several nearby workmen yelled for help, begging to be let on board. Sadly their pleas went on deaf ears as they were turned into dust. They finnaly made their way into tidmouth sheds where they had been ever since.

Molly hoped Neville and Murdoch were ok, as she put it they were the only friends she ever had. We were forced to tell her about Murdoch, she didn't take his death well after that we knew we couldn't lose anymore engines and we began talking about where the other engines could be. We know Gordon had been pulling the express so God knows where the fuck he is. Duck had to go to Brendam to pick up a goods train and take it down to the little western. James was to take a passenger train so he could be anywhere. As we continued to discuss where the engines could be we heard a familiar whistle. We were shocked to see a determined Percy race past with Annie, clarabel and a breakvan. He seems to have been heading to knapford not sure why. If I were to go anywhere if I was an engine it would be the fucking mainland. We're most likely going to head towards knapford to search for the pussy green caterpillar, the more engines we have the better.

We arrived in the desolate and fucked up knapford to find the green caterpillar sitting at one of the platforms. He was as shocked to see us and couldn't believe we had survived. We asked him what happened to him and why he had Annie and clarabel. Apparently he was at elsbridge with Thomas and when the tripods attacked Thomas told Percy to run with Annie and clarabel and he would distract the tripod. Percy didn't have a chance to get a reaction as Thomas began racing down the line with the tripod hot on his tail. Percy then began to cry saying how he could've distracted the tripod and that he could've done more. We comforted our number 6 telling him that we would find Thomas and we would gett off the island together.

We were talking about our next move when we heard a whistle in the distance. We saw what looked to be several old coaches rounding the bend and we were shocked to see a dust covered James reversing into the station. However, something was off he didn't say a word, he seemed to have been in deep thought. We asked him what happened but he lashed out in anger every time we asked him something. We decided to leave him alone for now. With everything that has happened he needs space. Gabby walked up to me and said that she's going to refill Molly on water plus it's alote safer spending the night at knapford station. We knew she was right and we told her we would join her in a few. Percy decided to go with them because he wanted to rest. Poor engine and we exhausted. Once they left James spoke up. He was at Crosby with his passenger train awaiting his passengers. Just as they arrived the storm hit and just like everyone else they saw the tripod rise from the ground. His crew wasted no time and threw James into reversed leaving everyone behind. He ran until he reached the small tunnel just before Elsbridge. He sat there for a few minutes and was shocked to see Thomas race in. Neither of them had an idea as to what was going on and were scared out of their minds. They sat there for a few hours before Thomas decided to head out. James tried telling him no to go but Thomas didn't listen and raced off. Not long after he heard the sound of a tripod and assumed Thomas was dead. Before James could continue Percy raced beside us saying they found something in the sheds. We went to check it out and the sheds was a mess we found Harvey, or what was Harvey who was sitting on a siding and his hook was connected to the remains of disel which were sitting in the turntable. However we were glad to see Rosie as safe and sound in one of the births. Right now we're trying to pull out disel's remains out so we can get Rosie.

We finnaly managed to pull diesel out. However we were forced to use Harvey's corpse as the crane was still operational. Made me sick thinking we were using the he corpse of our friend to pull out another one but were able to use the turntable and get the engines into the sheds and just in the nick of time as we heard the sounds of a tripod nearby. Rosie hasn't said much to anyone, but we've put together what might had happened based on the little she told us. Diesel tried making a run for the sheds just as it was turning for Harvey. Just before it reached the dumbass diesel fell into the turntable jamming it. Harvey Tried saving the dumbass diesel but the tripod found both of them. God poor Rosie, she was forced to watch her friends being killed right in front of her. So far the only engine Rosie has really opened to us Molly. Can't really blame her I guess. Anyway we're going to try to get some sleep in Henry's cab. Hopefully this nightmare ends soon.

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