Chapter 13

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The week leading up to the hockey tournament was a whirlwind of excitement and anxiety for Sunghoon. He had trained tirelessly for this moment, pushing himself both physically and mentally, and all he wanted was for Nabi to be there, cheering him on from the stands. When she finally agreed to come, he felt a surge of happiness and anticipation that coursed through him like adrenaline.

On the day of the tournament, the atmosphere in the locker room was electric. Sunghoon could hear the crowd buzzing outside, the chants and cheers vibrating through the walls. But as he geared up, a shadow of unease crept into his mind. He glanced at his phone repeatedly, checking for any messages from Nabi, but there was nothing.

With each passing moment, his worry intensified. When he finally stepped onto the ice for warm-ups, he scanned the stands, desperately searching for her face among the sea of spectators. But she was nowhere to be found. His heart sank, and a sense of foreboding settled in the pit of his stomach.

Just before he was called to the rink for the game, he decided to call her. "Nabi, are you coming?" he asked, trying to keep his voice steady despite the rising anxiety.

From the other end, he could hear the frustration in her voice. "Yeah, Hoon, but some guy just bumped into my car, and now he's arguing with me after damaging it!" She sounded flustered, and he could hear the angry voice of the man in the background, escalating the situation. Sunghoon's worry for her intensified, knotting his stomach with a mix of concern and guilt.

"Is everything okay?" he asked, glancing at his coach, who was signaling for him to focus. He wanted nothing more than to rush over and help her, but the coach's voice rang in his ears. "You have to stay focused, Sunghoon. The game is about to start."

With a heavy heart, he reluctantly hung up the phone, forcing himself to focus on the game ahead. But as the puck dropped and the game began, his mind was elsewhere, tangled in worry for Nabi. He skated on autopilot, trying to shake off the anxiety, but it only grew stronger.

Every time he caught sight of a flash of movement in the stands, his heart raced, but it never turned out to be her. As the game progressed, his concentration waned, and the mounting pressure began to cloud his judgment. In a moment of distraction, he lost his balance and collided hard with another player.

The impact was brutal, and Sunghoon felt a sharp pain slice through his knee as the other player's blade dug into his skin. He crumpled onto the ice, the world around him fading into a hazy blur. Agony shot through him, but it wasn't just the physical pain that overwhelmed him; it was the helplessness and fear for Nabi. Guilt clawed at him—if only he had been able to focus, none of this would have happened.

As medics rushed onto the ice, his mind raced with a singular thought: Nabi. Would she be okay? Would she even know what happened? The cheers and jeers from the crowd faded to a distant roar, replaced by the deafening sound of his own heartbeat pounding in his ears.

Meanwhile, Nabi was a whirlwind of panic as she raced to the stadium. She had been so eager to support Sunghoon, but everything had unraveled so quickly. The confrontation with the driver had left her frazzled, and now she was running late. Every moment spent in that heated argument felt like a lifetime, and her heart raced as she envisioned Sunghoon out on the ice without her.

When she finally arrived at the arena, she pushed her way through the throngs of spectators, her heart pounding with worry. She searched the ice for Sunghoon, her eyes darting anxiously, but he was nowhere to be seen. Her stomach dropped, and she fumbled for her phone, dialing his number with trembling hands.

When one of his friends picked up, she could barely breathe. "Nabi, Sunghoon's in the hospital. There was an accident during the game. I'm really sorry."

Her heart plummeted, a wave of panic crashing over her. "What? What happened?" She could barely process the words. The world around her blurred as she sprinted to the hospital, her only thought being to get to him, to make sure he was okay.

The drive to the hospital felt eternal. Traffic lights seemed to conspire against her, each red light a painful reminder of the seconds she was losing. She could hardly focus, her mind racing with fear and regret. What if something terrible had happened? What if she was too late?

When she finally reached the hospital, she rushed inside, her heart pounding in her chest. After speaking to the receptionist, she learned his room number and quickly made her way there. As she entered, the sight of him lying there broke her heart. Sunghoon was pale, his knee heavily bandaged, and the sight of him so vulnerable made her chest tighten with sorrow.

She rushed to his side, tears spilling down her cheeks as she took his hand in hers. "I'm so sorry, Hoon. I should have been there. I shouldn't have let that guy distract me." Her voice quivered, the weight of her worry crashing down on her.

Sunghoon's eyes fluttered open, and despite the pain etched on his face, a soft smile broke through. "Nabi," he breathed, relief flooding his expression. "You made it."

"Of course I did! How could I not come?" she choked out, squeezing his hand tightly. "How are you feeling?"

"Honestly?" he chuckled softly, but the movement caused him to wince. "I've felt better. But seeing you here makes it a lot better."

Her heart ached at the sight of him, and she couldn't help but feel the weight of guilt pressing down on her. "How can you worry about me when you're the one in the hospital?!"

"Because you're the one I was worried about when I got hurt," he said softly, concern flickering in his eyes. "I was scared you wouldn't come."

"Scared? Hoon, you're the one lying in a hospital bed!" she protested, her voice trembling with emotion.

He chuckled again, but it turned into a wince. "Nabi, you have to understand. I like you... Actually, I love you. Ever since I first met you."


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