Chapter 20

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The day started like any other for Sunghoon, but a weight settled heavily in his chest as he made his way to work. He had been struggling for a while, and today felt like a culmination of all his frustrations. He had been working part-time at a convenience store, trying to make ends meet since his dreams of becoming a figure skater were dashed by that fateful accident.

After the doctor delivered the devastating news about his leg, it felt as if he had lost a part of himself. The thrill of the ice, the feeling of gliding effortlessly, was replaced by the harsh reality of rehabilitation and the painful understanding that he could no longer pursue his passion. The accident had not only stolen his career but had also become a constant reminder of his limitations. He was devastated, angry, and lost.

That evening, as he finished his shift, he received the call that would change everything. "Sunghoon, we're letting you go. We have to downsize, and I'm sorry, but you're the last hire," his manager said. The words hit him like a punch to the gut. He had thought this job was his lifeline, a way to prove to himself—and to Nabi—that he wasn't a failure. But now, it felt as if the ground had been pulled out from under him.

He stumbled out of the store, his head spinning with the news. The icy grip of despair wrapped around him, and he sought comfort in the one thing he knew could numb the pain. He turned to the bar down the street, letting the darkness drown out the voice in his head that reminded him he was worthless.

Hours later, Sunghoon arrived home, barely able to focus as he fumbled with his keys. The alcohol coursing through his veins made the world spin, and he staggered slightly as he opened the door. Nabi stood there, her expression shifting from surprise to concern as she took in his state.

"What happened? Sunghoon, you look—" she started, but he brushed past her, pushing the door shut behind him.

"Just leave me alone," he mumbled, heading straight for the couch. The room was spinning, and he needed to lay down. He fell onto the cushions, staring blankly at the ceiling, the alcohol mixing with the heaviness in his heart.

Nabi hesitated, her brow furrowed with worry. She had never seen him like this. "Sunghoon," she called softly, moving to sit beside him. She could smell the alcohol on him, sharp and overpowering. "What happened? Talk to me, please."

But he didn't respond. Instead, he rolled over and pulled her closer, burying his face in the crook of her neck. Nabi's heart sank as she sensed the despair radiating off him. She wrapped her arms around him, instinctively holding him tighter, hoping to provide some semblance of comfort. She could feel his body shaking slightly, and it tore at her heart.

"Hoon," she whispered, running her fingers through his hair. "Please tell me what's going on."

After a long moment of silence, he finally spoke, his voice muffled against her skin. "I'm sorry, Nabi. I can't catch up with you. I was laid off... and now I'm completely useless." His words were slurred but filled with raw emotion. "I won't be able to fulfill all your dreams, and I'm just... embarrassed."

Nabi's heart ached for him. She tightened her grip, feeling the weight of his pain in her own chest. "Hoon, we'll figure this out. You're not useless. You mean so much to me, and we'll get through this together," she reassured him, her voice steady despite the chaos in her heart. "But drinking like this isn't the answer. You need to talk to me, not shut me out."

Sunghoon let out a shaky breath, his frustration mixing with sadness. "I thought if I had a job, I could prove to you that I'm not a waste. But now..." His voice trailed off, the hurt evident in his tone.

Nabi tilted his chin up gently, searching his eyes. "You are not a waste. You are so much more than your job or your past. I love you for who you are, not what you can do. You'll find your way again; I believe in you."

But as she spoke, Sunghoon's eyes began to flutter. He fought to stay awake, but the weight of the alcohol and the emotional exhaustion pulled him down. "Nabi, I..." he mumbled before drifting off into a deep sleep, his head resting against her shoulder.

Nabi held him close, her heart heavy with worry and love. She could feel his vulnerability, the sadness that clung to him like a shadow. The world outside continued on, but in their little apartment, time seemed to stand still.

She stroked his hair, trying to calm her racing thoughts. Sunghoon had always been her rock, the one who encouraged her to chase her dreams, but now it felt like he was crumbling before her eyes. She felt a surge of determination well up within her. She would help him through this; she wouldn't let him drown in despair.

Hours passed, and the darkness outside deepened, but Nabi remained awake, cradling Sunghoon against her. She whispered softly, reminding him of all the dreams they had shared, the future they had planned. She wanted him to know that no matter how hard things got, he wasn't alone. They were a team, and they would face whatever challenges lay ahead together.

Finally, as dawn began to break and soft light seeped through the curtains, Sunghoon stirred. He blinked awake, confusion clouding his eyes as he took in his surroundings.

"Hey," Nabi said gently, a soft smile breaking through her worry. "You fell asleep on me."

Sunghoon groaned, embarrassment flooding his cheeks. "I'm so sorry, Nabi. I shouldn't have—"

"Stop," she interrupted, her gaze firm yet gentle. "You're allowed to feel what you're feeling. But we need to talk about this. You can't carry this burden alone."


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