Chapter 9

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The day of the ice hockey game had arrived, and the entire school seemed to buzz with excitement. The bleachers were packed with students, faces painted in school colors, waving banners and shouting cheers. Nabi had never seen this side of school spirit before, and as she made her way through the crowd to find a seat, she couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement herself.

Her eyes scanned the ice rink, searching for a familiar figure among the players warming up. There he was, helmet tucked under his arm, gliding effortlessly across the ice, his focus razor-sharp. Even from the stands, she could see how different he looked—confident, determined, and completely in his element. Sunghoon had mentioned he played hockey, but seeing him like this made her realize just how much passion he had for it.

Sunghoon's team, in their dark jerseys, moved across the ice like a well-oiled machine. Every pass, every formation, every determined glance between teammates showed that they were ready to leave everything on the ice.

Sunghoon's gaze swept over the crowd, searching, even as he focused on the game plan. And then he spotted her—Nabi, weaving her way through the crowd to find a seat, her head bobbing as she looked around. When their eyes met, a wave of warmth and excitement washed over him. She'd shown up. Despite her quiet nature and her typical avoidance of crowds, she was there, watching him.

And that's when something stirred inside him. He wanted her to see him at his best, not just as the Sunghoon she spent time with at the beach or the one she studied with, but the Sunghoon who pushed himself to be his best, who poured his energy into every game, every goal, every move

The whistle blew, and the game was on. The first period was intense, with both teams fighting tooth and nail to keep control. Sunghoon moved across the ice with an effortless grace that made it look easy, but his movements were sharp, calculated, and fierce. The puck slid between players like a ping-pong ball, and every pass seemed to draw the crowd in tighter. Sunghoon could feel the eyes of the crowd on him, but all he cared about was that Nabi was watching.

Sunghoon was everywhere—blocking opponents, making lightning-fast passes, and even stealing the puck from under an opponent's nose with a quick, almost effortless swipe. His movements were sharp and precise, each one a testament to the hours he must've spent practicing.

As the game neared halftime, both teams were tied, and the tension in the rink was palpable. Nabi leaned forward, her fists clenched with anticipation. She couldn't take her eyes off Sunghoon as he skated back to the bench, grabbing a drink and talking strategy with his teammates. There was a fire in his eyes that she hadn't seen before—a fierce determination that made her heart beat faster.

The second half began, and the intensity only grew. The opponents pushed hard, scoring another point, putting them in the lead. Nabi held her breath as she watched Sunghoon rally his team, shouting instructions and boosting their spirits. They fought back with everything they had, clawing their way toward another goal.

And then, in the final minutes of the game, the puck was in Sunghoon's possession. He darted forward, weaving through the defense with speed and precision that left everyone on the edge of their seats. With one last powerful shot, he sent the puck sailing across the ice, straight into the opponent's net.

The crowd erupted, and Nabi found herself cheering louder than she ever had before, her voice joining the chorus of ecstatic shouts. Sunghoon's team had won, and she could see the pure joy on his face as his teammates swarmed around him, lifting him in celebration. The cheers, the excitement, the triumphant energy—it was all exhilarating, and she was thrilled to have been there to witness it.

After the team's cheers and the post-game hustle began to settle, Sunghoon made his way over to her, weaving through the crowd of congratulatory students.

"You were incredible out there!" she said, her eyes bright with admiration.

He laughed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Thanks, but I had a little extra motivation tonight."

Her brow furrowed. "Motivation?"

He chuckled, trying to play it off. "Yeah, you know, just wanted to give my best."

There was a pause, a shared moment where words didn't seem necessary. She was still smiling, her face flushed from cheering, and he could feel his heart doing an odd flutter in his chest.

"Hey," he began, taking a breath. "Do you wanna... celebrate? Maybe tomorrow? Just you and me?"

"Celebrate? How?" She tilted her head, her curiosity piqued.

He grinned, a boyish glint in his eyes. "The beach. You know, our beach. If you're up for it?"

Her face softened as she nodded, that small smile making his heart soar. "Alright, the beach it is."

"Awesome," he said, trying to keep his cool despite the excitement bubbling inside him. He knew he wanted to celebrate this win with her—not just because they had become so close, but because he knew, deep down, that moments with her were the ones that made him feel truly victorious.

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