2. Draught of living death

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Draught of living death

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Draught of living death

After her inspiring morning
in the greenhouse, Isadora felt a sense of purpose as she walked through the stone corridors of Hogwarts toward the dungeons for Potions class. The lingering warmth of Professor Sprout's encouragement fueled her confidence. The echoes of her classmates' chatter faded as her focus sharpened.

As she entered the Potions classroom, the scent of herbs, spices, and simmering concoctions enveloped her like a familiar cloak. Rows of cauldrons lined the tables, and the atmosphere buzzed with a mix of excitement and anxiety. Professor Snape stood at the front, his eyes narrowed, surveying the class with his usual intensity.

"Today, we will brew the Draught of Living Death," he announced, his voice smooth and cold as Isadora sat down. "This potion is notoriously complex and requires absolute precision. Any mistakes could lead to disastrous consequences."

Isadora exchanged glances with Maya and Lily, who sat beside her. The challenge excited her. She had read about the Draught, its powerful effects and the meticulous care it demanded. "Let's show them what we can do," Isadora whispered to her friends, determination lighting up her features.

Snape began assigning partners, and Isadora was relieved when he paired her with Lily. "Let's work together. I think we can really nail this," Isadora said, her enthusiasm bubbling over.

As they gathered their ingredients—dried lavender, powdered dragon liver, and valerian roots—the door creaked open, and Draco Malfoy sauntered in late with a smug grin, flanked by Crabbe and Goyle.

"Well, well, if it isn't the herb-loving Blackwood," Draco sneered, glancing at her cauldron filled with freshly gathered ingredients. "You sure you can handle Potions, or are you just going to talk to your plants all class?"

Ignoring him, Isadora focused on the task at hand, measuring the lavender with precise movements. "Maybe if you spent less time pranking people and more time studying, you'd do better in class," she shot back, determined not to let his words get under her skin, as she turned back to Lily.

Draco smirked, unfazed by her retort. "Oh, I have something special planned for you today," he said, his voice dripping with mischief. He leaned closer, just enough for her to catch a glimpse of something in his hand—a vial filled with a shimmering, iridescent liquid.

"What's that?" Maya asked, her curiosity piqued.
"Just a little... enhancement for your potion,"

Draco replied, winking at Crabbe and Goyle. "It'll make things a bit more interesting."

Isadora turned her head to him,  narrowing her eyes, immediately wary. "Don't even think about it, Malfoy. We don't need your help." She knew he wasn't trying to help, he's plan was more like to destroy their potion.

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