7. Thorns and Moonblossoms

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Thorns and Moonblossoms

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Thorns and Moonblossoms

The Next day,
As Isadora entered the Herbology classroom, the familiar scents of damp earth and vibrant foliage enveloped her like a comforting embrace. Sunlight streamed through the glass panes above, illuminating the various magical plants that thrived in their pots. Students filled the benches, their voices a symphony of anticipation. Isadora felt a thrill of excitement; today's lesson was unlike any other.

At the front, Professor Sprout stood with her clipboard, her warm smile radiating enthusiasm. "Welcome, everyone! Today marks the beginning of your project on magical flora, and I have exciting news—we'll be venturing into the Forbidden Forest!"

The room erupted with a mix of excitement and apprehension. Isadora exchanged a glance with Lily, who sat nearby. Their eyes sparkled with the thrill of potential discovery and danger.

"You'll be paired up to gather specific ingredients," Professor Sprout continued. "This will involve teamwork, creativity, and, of course, a healthy respect for the forest's inhabitants."

Isadora felt her heart race. She had spent countless hours studying the flora of the Forbidden Forest, poring over texts and practicing with various plants. The thought of exploring it in person was intoxicating. She glanced over at Draco Malfoy, who slouched in his seat, a disinterested air about him that she found both infuriating and oddly captivating.

"Let's see who our pairs will be!" Professor Sprout announced, scanning her clipboard. "Miss Parker, you'll be working with Miss Parkinson."

A collective gasp followed by barely suppressed giggles rippled through the classroom. Lily's expression soured, and Pansy's smirk twisted into a look of triumph.

"Oh, joy," Lily muttered, crossing her arms. "This is going to be a nightmare."

Pansy rolled her eyes dramatically. "Try not to trip over your own feet, Parker. I'd rather not waste my time babysitting you."

Isadora felt her anticipation spike as she waited for her name to be announced. "And finally," Professor Sprout said, her voice brightening, "Isadora Blackwood will be paired with Draco Malfoy!"

Isadora's stomach dropped as she met Draco's gaze. He raised an eyebrow, an irritated expression flashing across his face.

"Fantastic," he said dryly, leaning back in his chair, arms crossed. "Just what I needed. A project with Blackwood."

Isadora felt a surge of irritation at his tone. "You're not exactly my first choice either, Malfoy. Let's just get this over with."

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