3. Between broomsticks and blossoms

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Between broomsticks and blossoms

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Between broomsticks and blossoms

As the week wore on,
a sense of excitement buzzed through the castle corridors. It was the season's first Quidditch match: Ravenclaw against Slytherin. The air practically vibrated with anticipation, and as the girls made their way to the stands, they could feel the electricity in the atmosphere.

Linking arms as they walked, they navigated the bustling crowd, laughter spilling out as they made dramatic predictions for the match.

"So, who's betting on Slytherin?" Maya asked, her eyes dancing with mischief as she nudged Isadora, knowing her friend's dislike for Malfoy.

"Not me!" Isadora replied, clutching her Ravenclaw scarf. "No way I'm letting them win in my head before they've even started."

Lily wrapped her arm around Isadora's shoulders, pulling her close. "Ravenclaw it is, of course."

The stands were filling quickly, each house represented by clusters of blue, green, red, and yellow. Flags waved, students chanted, and banners emblazoned with slogans for each team fluttered in the breeze.

As the players took to the field, Maya leaned over, squeezing Lily's hand. "Look! There's Draco Malfoy on the Slytherin team. If he scores, I may actually cry, if someone doesn't deserve winning it's him."

"Oh, please, like you're even here for the match," Lily teased, glancing over as Isadora smirked. "You just want to see how dramatically he can sneer at our team."

The whistle blew, signaling the start of the match, and suddenly, the players were off, streaking through the air with fierce determination. Ravenclaw quickly scored the first goal, and the three girls jumped up in unison, cheering wildly as Maya threw her arm around Isadora.

"Yes! Go, Ravenclaw!" Maya shouted, practically bouncing as she hugged her friends.

Isadora joined in, a thrill running through her as she watched her house take the lead. The blue-clad team flew in tight formations, moving seamlessly, every pass and maneuver executed with precision. But Slytherin was just as fierce, each interception a calculated display of skill and aggression. Draco, perched on his broom with a look of steely concentration, narrowly missed intercepting a pass, and Lily clapped her hands together, leaning over to whisper, "Guess his broom doesn't make him a better player after all."

The game grew more intense with every passing minute. The Quaffle flew back and forth, players zigzagging through the sky, while the audience roared with each near-miss or goal. When Ravenclaw scored again, the girls erupted in cheers, jumping up and down and hugging each other. But Slytherin wasn't giving up. They quickly retaliated, their Beaters sending Bludgers flying with brutal force.

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