5. Between Barbs and Secrets

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Between Barbs and Secrets

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Between Barbs and Secrets

The following morning,
an uneasy hush settled over the Great Hall as whispers passed between tables. Students shared glances filled with anticipation, intrigue, and a bit of dread. Today marked their first class with the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Dolores Umbridge—a woman with a sweet smile and a saccharine voice that concealed an unsettling air of authority.

After breakfast, Isadora and her friends joined the stream of students heading to class, the tension building with each step.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom buzzed with a mixture of anticipation and dread as the Ravenclaws and Slytherins filed in for their first lesson with Professor Umbridge. Students exchanged wary glances; rumors about her strict, Ministry-driven approach had already circulated through the corridors, and no one was sure what to expect.

Isadora settled into her seat beside Maya and glanced across the room, catching sight of Draco's trademark smirk as he lounged back with his usual nonchalant air. Pansy sat beside him, straightening her green-trimmed tie with a smug look, as though she knew something everyone else didn't. A cluster of Ravenclaws sat tensely beside Isadora, whispering quietly.

When the door finally creaked open, Professor Umbridge entered, her every movement deliberate and overly composed. She wore her signature pink cardigan, and her neat, pastel look seemed out of place amid the shadowed, stone-walled classroom. She moved to the front of the room, her beady eyes sweeping over them with an unsettling sweetness.

"Good morning, class!" she chirped in a voice that dripped with syrupy politeness. The room murmured a hesitant reply, unsure how to respond to such a tone in Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"Now," Umbridge continued, holding up her hands, "we are here to learn the theory of defensive magic. No need to fuss over practicals. It's far more important to understand the concepts behind it."

The Ravenclaws exchanged startled glances. Maya leaned toward Isadora and whispered, "What's the point of Defense Against the Dark Arts if we're not actually defending ourselves?"

Isadora gave a small shake of her head, her brow furrowing in confusion. Her mind raced, already finding it hard to imagine a defense class without spells. It felt incomplete, like learning Quidditch without ever stepping foot on a broom.

Isadora raised her hand hesitantly, not wanting to cause a scene but genuinely curious.

"Yes, Miss...?" Umbridge asked, a forced smile stretching her lips.

"Blackwood," Isadora replied. "Professor, how are we supposed to understand defense if we're only reading about it?"

A shadow passed over Umbridge's face before her expression quickly returned to syrupy calm. "Miss Blackwood," she said smoothly, "you will find that reading and truly comprehending defensive magic will be far more beneficial than... let's say, aimlessly waving wands and throwing spells around. After all, the Ministry believes it to be the safest course."

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