4. The heart in the cup

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The heart in the cup

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The heart in the cup

The next day dawned bright and crisp,
the sun casting a golden hue over the Hogwarts grounds. Isadora awoke with an undeniable thrill in her stomach—today was Divination class, a subject she had long been fascinated by. After a hasty breakfast filled with laughter and half-hearted debates over the merits of tea leaves versus crystal balls, she made her way to the North Tower, her friends by her side.

The air in the castle was alive with whispers of excitement, the enchantment of the day igniting a sense of possibility. As Isadora climbed the spiraling staircase, she couldn't help but feel a tingle of anticipation. The tower itself seemed to hum with energy, each step echoing the rhythm of her heartbeat.

As the students shuffled into the Divination classroom, the air hung heavy with the smoky scent of incense, swirling tendrils dancing like wraiths in the dim light. The walls were draped in deep purple and gold fabrics, adorned with an eclectic mix of crystal balls, tarot cards, and mysterious symbols that seemed to whisper secrets of the universe. Isadora stepped inside, excitement bubbling in her chest as she settled into her usual seat beside Lily and Maya.

"Welcome, my dear students, to the realm of the unknown!" Professor Trelawney declared, her voice a melodic whisper, rich with drama. She emerged from behind a curtain, her wild hair cascading like a dark waterfall around her shoulders, glimmering with various trinkets that jingled as she moved. "Today, we shall unravel the mysteries hidden within the leaves of your tea!"

The trio exchanged amused glances, the prospect of tea leaves revealing their fates sparking a delightful thrill. As they prepared their cups, Isadora felt the warmth of camaraderie enveloping her. She loved these moments—where laughter flowed freely and their playful banter filled the air.

Maya leaned over to Isadora, her eyes glinting with mischief. "So, do you think your plants will reveal your future husband? Perhaps a dashing botanist?" she quipped, stifling a laugh.

Isadora rolled her eyes, unable to suppress her smile. "I'm not sure how well a botanist would fare in a Quidditch match, but I'll take a nice herbologist any day!"

"Or maybe a handsome Hufflepuff who grows the best pumpkins?" Lily chimed in, her voice teasing. "You know how you love those little cuties!"

Isadora nudged her friends, her cheeks warming at the playful suggestions. "Can we focus on the tea leaves instead of my nonexistent love life?" she replied, shaking her head with mock seriousness.

With cups in hand, they set about brewing their tea, the ritual invigorating their spirits. Once the leaves settled, Trelawney glided over to their table, her eyes glimmering behind her oversized glasses. She leaned down, inspecting each cup as though they held the very fabric of destiny.

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