Falling for.....chapter fourteen

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"Say something. Fuck say anything" Parker added as he ran his hands through his thick black wavy hair cut short on the sides but longer on the top.

He then stood up and looked up and down the beach. "What's going through your head Kristie? I need to know" his eyes focused on mine again and I smiled.

"You seem pretty interested. What's this info worth?" He smiled and looked relieved "I promise to spank you next time we're alone" I laughed hole heartedly and threw my head back "really and you'd hate that?" His smile grew into a wicked fun filled sexy smirk.

"What do you want?" He countered "hey I'm not the one trying to get the info just trying to bargain with it. I'm as happy as always to keep my thoughts to my self" "I'll keep that in mind. You seem ok with me being here" I shrugged playing nonchalance keeping my face blank.

It was sweet seeing him so interested even concerned what my option was of him being here. "I've got to go back to Sydney soon and organize everything but I doubt I'll be able to stay up there too long" the way he looked at me then gave me butterflies.

I blushed and looked at the water. Parker chuckled happily then came and sat with me again.

We relaxed and eventually he dropped me back at home and didn't push to make a move to invite himself for a sleep over.

I slept peacefully until noon.

Showering then heading out into the hall way I pumped into Cameron who gave me a strange look. "Hey Cameron" "hey how was your shower?" "Soothing the condo seems quiet" "yer their out for lunch. Are you free for dinner?" I shrugged "sure do you want me to cook" "nar we'll go to the diner you like." I smile that was very thoughtful of him "fantastic what time?" "Six thirty? I've got to head back into work I forgot these this morning" he said holding up a roll of drawings.

I nodded and then went to move past him but stopped dead in my tracks. Cameron's cheek and temple were red and his hand holding the roll of drawing was bruised.

They way I'd stopped meant we were almost touching I looked up into his gaze "are you hurt?" He shook his head and showed no emotion. Eyes blank face shielded.

I was almost relieved he didn't enjoy fighting as much as Parker had.

What was Parker thinking fighting with Cameron? It was none of his business. "Tell me what happened please?" He shook his head but his eyes remained trained on my face.

Taking his cool hand gently into mine I stepped up to him touching from knee to chest. My hormones started to get ideas and memories flooded back us in bed him on top, me on top us kissing forever.

"Please Cameron" it came out almost a husky whisper he took a deep breath in and shook his head leant down and kissed me tenderly at first but that soon grew and I was once again held prisoner against the wall and his drop dead gorgeous body.

Cameron pulled his lips from mine leaning his forehead on mine before untangling himself and walking out the front door. In that moment it was a weird feeling that overcame me I knew he loved me. He was in love with me. That didn't mean that I was his top priority but knowing his true feelings was serene.

Five hours later I was siting in the lounge trying not to throw up at the love fest happening on the opposite couch. I coughed trying to remind Derrick and Karla I was still there only to get too glares directed my way.

Holding up my hands in surrender I walked out calling over my shoulder "I can tell I'll be missed but keep it responsible" a pillow was thrown at the wall beside me head and I laughed.

Cameron's tall figure walked through the door that same second and he raised his eyebrows I nodded towards the lounge room and he rolled his eyes.

Smirking at each other he stepped up to me slid his huge hands around my waist and leant down and kissed me as if he never wanted to stop. The bomb seemed to explode between us both and the kiss continued to grow with lips becoming tongues and tongues becoming teeth.

Before I could pull back Cameron found his head first seeming too look quickly into my eyes then towards the lounge room. Yes we'd just made out next door to my still worried brother.

I was old enough to decide things for my self however with our relationship and its unforeseen or unofficial future I didn't want any fights or uncomfortable situations between us all.

Gee I think I was growing up.

Getting to the diner we we're directed to my favorite booth and given menus. Looking up at Cameron he was assessing the diner with intelligent eyes. His side profile was that or a carved statue strong jaw and cheek bones. All male.

Suddenly he turned back to me catching me checking him out "you haven't looked at me like that since high school" I blushed and laughed. No I'm positive that I had now was the only time he'd caught me though.

"It's cute you still blush. I always used to try and get you to blush without your brother noticing" that was new information "remember the first time you walked out of your room in a bikini and I couldn't stop staring? That image will never leave my mind until the day I die. You blushed each time you caught me looking at you in a bikini. Still do" as he told his side of history he couldn't smile any wider.

Continuing to blush but refusing to look away from him I said "I wanted you to look but never expected it. Whenever you took notice of me I couldn't help but blush."

Quiet in our little world until the waitress took my order for both of us then retreated to the kitchen. "It's nice getting to be so relaxed around each other don't you think?" His words were comforting I was glad he was echoing my thoughts

"I hope it's always like this with us. No matter what happens" Cameron continued as his gaze narrowed to something behind me. I wanted to turn around but didn't. We'd come out together and I wouldn't let anyone ex girlfriend or old lover ruin it.

"It was a close call before. Has Derrick said anything to you?" I asked trying to get him to refocus on me. His green orbs connected with mine again and we smiled at each other.

Yep that kiss was hotter that hot.

"You know I'll never get sick of kissing you. I don't care what Derrick has to say. He knows how we are with each other." "Does he know we've slept together?" A tad confused how that gem of info would have come up in conversation.

He shook his head and leant over the table drawing me closer as well. "He might suspect we have but I wouldn't come out right and say it" I breathed a sigh of relief.

Our food and drinks arrive and conversation was easy and fun. I would never get sick of hearing Cameron's smooth, commanding and smart voice.

He spoke about work, Family and then Derrick. "If you don't want to keep it from him I can tell him you don't need to. I'll take the fall" "things are good at home I don't want to mess anything up. We're not in a realationship that's serious so why cause any drama? I don't want to fuck it up"

He chuckled and I looked at him questioningly "like you could. If anything I have. I'll take responsibility for not standing up in high school and trying to date you." I was lost "huh?" He chuckled again making me smile "if I had don't you think things with us would be serious now?"

That was a very interesting way of thinking.

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