Into the Unknown

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Newt felt the train come to a halt and his arms were roughly grabbed, making the boys stand up. He was led into a huge building, with WCKD glowing on the building. He squinted his eyes, the lights being bright and more intense then the lights back with the right arm. 

"Newt!" Minho called out, making Newt turn to see Minho and the others being led into a different hallway.Minho was trying to get to his friend. A man then tased the boy, making Minho yell in pain, and making him limp.

"Minho!" Newt cried out, seeing his friend fall weak. He tried to get to him but he was dragged away to a different hallway. He looked at the rooms and he must've slowed down because one of the men pushed his shoulder.

"Move." He was forced into a room and he saw Ava, Janson and Teresa. Ava was sitting down at a desk as Teresa and Janson were standing by the desk, clearly discussing something before he entered. Teresa's eyes went wide when she saw him.

"Hello Newt." Ava said calmly."So glad for you to join us." Newt glared at them." We just have one question and you are free to go. We won't bother you anymore. Where are the others?"

"You really think I'm going to tell you?" Newt asked.

"Newt...please..." Teresa said."We need to find a cure." Newt glared at her.

"No, I'm not going to tell you because unlike you, I'm not a traitor."

"Newt, it is important to have as many subjects as we..." Ava said.

"Subjects! All we are, are subjects to you."

"Newt, please consider. It will be just easier just to tell us."

"I would rather die instead of telling you anything."

"That could be arranged." Janson said, making Newt glare at him.

"Janson." Ava warned. She then turned to Newt. "You could save the world by telling us where the others are."

"I'm never going to turn my friends in. I'm not going to let you hurt them any more."

"I see. Take him away." Ava said. The men then grabbed Newt and dragged him down stairs and into a different hallway. They took him to a circular room that had two guards and doors around the room. They opened a door and Newt was pushed in. He heard them close and lock the door behind him and Newt sighed.

"Newt?" Newt turned around and saw Minho.

"Min." Newt ran to him and hugged him. Minho hugged back. Newt noticed how weak Minho looked. He didn't like that look, always seeing Minho as being sarcastic and strong.

"What did they do to you?"

"Tests. Making us think we are back in the maze." Minho softly said."They think fear is the cure. That our fear is the cure.

"Min." Newt softly said.

"Did you get Sonya and Aris?" Newt looked down.

"We were supposed to get you."

"If you got the other cart, you got them." They sat in silence for a while."Why are you here? What happened?"

"I was climbing up the ladder when a guard jumped up and grabbed my leg. My bad one. The force and the pain made me slip. I think I hit my head, making me pass out. The next thing I knew, I was surrounded by Wicked."

"Did they do anything to you?" Newt shrugged.

"Ava tried to make me tell them where Tommy and the rest were. I didn't tell them anything."

"How is everyone?" Minho softly said.

"As well as they could be." Minho softly nodded."Tommy, Fry, Brenda and Jorge miss ya."

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