Chapter 10

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"Check out will be at eleven," the man said, looking straight at me, not Gideon, who had paid for the room. There will be an additional fee if you're late. And if you want to extend your stay, please let me know. The sooner, the better. There aren't many unoccupied rooms here."

Gideon grabbed the keys from the table and nodded, "We will."

His hand came on my back before he moved me away from the shady reception of the motel. There was just one guy in the front and no one else there.

We reached the end of the stairs and stopped.

"Go up, I'll bring the bags."

"Just the small one for me."

I took the key to the room from his fingers and headed up the stairs as he went back outside. Flickering lights, peeling paint, and a strong stench of mold filled the air. It was way different than the apartment we had just come from.

I reached the door marked 212 and opened it. I stepped inside and looked around. It was small, but that was fine with me.

A bed, a desk, a dresser, and a TV.

The bed had a green and orange flowered quilt, and the dresser had a plastic flower vase. A picture of a waterfall hung over the wooden bed frame. The walls were a dull shade of cream, and there were only two light bulbs in the entire room, which kept flickering.

I kept the key on the side, over a table, before removing my muddy shoes and walking inside.

Gideon came in a moment later with only two bags. The rest were in the car. We weren't here to stay long. Just the night, or maybe two.

"What if they find the body?" I asked him, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"They can't do anything."

"But they saw our faces. What if they come after us?"

He glanced over his shoulder and gave it a thought, "They won't. We're far from there, quite far."

There was no certainty that the woman I killed, the she-wolf, even belonged to the same wolves we encountered just over an hour ago. They could both be from different packs, which is a little more relieving and worrying at the same time.

"Do you want me to get something for you to drink?" Gideon asked, his eyes back on the bags as he removed a couple of things from there and placed them over the table.

"No," I brushed my hand over the bed. "I'm fine for now."

"I'll be in the shower for a bit. So, you can change or rest. Whatever you want."

I nodded, watching him as he walked over to the bathroom door and went inside. He closed it behind him, and I stared ahead for a few long minutes before I finally got off the bed.

My clothes were a little dirty, especially my pants, which were smeared with dirt and mud from being in the woods earlier.

I reached into the bag and pulled out a fresh pair of pants and a shirt before removing my clothes and wearing them. My hair was tangled and messy, but I didn't have the energy to brush it so I left it as it was.

My gaze shifted to the window beside the desk, where the curtains were drawn. I stepped closer to the window and peered outside. It was still dark, past midnight now.

There were a lot of people here—I could tell that by the cars and the noise coming from different rooms.

There was a couple right beside our room, talking about something. And then another pair, or maybe it was a group of friends, were laughing and talking about some video game.

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