Chapter Twenty

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A/N: Side note, Italics are when people speak in the video.

~Laura's POV~

"Good morning, guys." I smiled, greeting Maia and Vanessa who came down the stairs and went to sit at the dining room table. 

"What is all this?" Vanessa asked, confused.

"Special birthday breakfast, of course." I answered, placing a bowl of grapes on the table. "Everyone will be over in ten minutes."

"Oh, that's right. It's your birthday." Maia joked. "I'm kidding, Happy Birthday Vanessa." 

Vanessa smiled. "Thanks."

"So, any birthday plans?" Maia asked.

"She'll probably go to the movies alone. She always does." I rolled my eyes; sometimes I just can't understand my sister.

"No, I'm not actually. Riker and I are spending the day together." She replied.

I gasped, dramatically. "You mean to tell me, you're gonna break a birthday tradition?!"

"Why do you go to the movies alone?" Maia asked, curious.

"It's just this thing. It's not about going to the movies, it's just if I'm alone on my birthday it's safer. I won't be disappointed or let down by getting my hopes up too high or anything." Vanessa shrugged.

"Birthdays are kind of a big deal to Vanessa." I added as the doorbell rang. "Come to think of it, she goes crazy every holiday. I mean, you should see her at Christmas." I walked over to the door.

"Don't pretend you don't love it." Vanessa shouted after me.

I answered the door to five smiling faces. "Hey guys, come on in." They entered and we headed into the dining room.

"Happy Birthday, sweetheart." Riker kissed Vanessa and I smiled at their cuteness.

"Happy Birthday, Vanessa." The others chorused and she smiled at them.

Vanessa stood up, "I'm gonna go get ready." She told us before heading upstairs.

I followed to make sure she was gone then turned back to the others. "Okay so she has no idea about the party." I told them causing everyone to cheer.

"It's been so hard to keep this party a secret. It's hard to keep secrets from her." Riker commented. "Okay, Ross and Laura you've got the cake sorted right?"

"Right." Ross and I nodded.

"And Maia and Rocky, decorations?" Riker asked.

"All ready." Rocky confirmed.

"And Rydel and Ratliff, you guys are in charge for making sure everything runs smoothly while I'm with Vanessa." 

Rydel nodded. "I'll make sure of it."

"So,  what do you have planned?" Ross asked.

"A surprise party..." Riker trailed off.

I stared at him. "But what about before that? I don't care what Vanessa says, she's going to expect something."

"I'll figure something out, how hard can it be?" He asked.

Vanessa came back down the stairs, "You ready to go?" She asked Riker.

"Sure. Let's go." Riker answered, leading her out the door.

"Have fun!" I yelled after to them. "He's screwed." I said once the door was shut and the others nodded in agreement.


~Maia's POV~

"So many decorations." Rocky grunted as he lugged in two paper bags.

I looked around the room at the batches of balloons and bags filled with streamers, party hats and other decorations. "I guess I kinda went a little crazy on decorations."

"You think?" Rocky deadpanned.

"Laura told me that Vanessa's birthday is a big deal to her. And I want it to be perfect, she's done so much for me by letting me move in here. And she's my best friend." I replied.

"Aww," Ratliff commented from the couch. He was watching some show on TV.

"Where's Rydel? Shouldn't you be helping her making sure things are running smoothly?" I asked.

"We are." Ratliff answered. "I'm watching you guys while she's watching Ross and Laura. She got the short straw. I bet her five bucks that Ross and Laura would end up having a flour fight."

Rydel stormed into the room covered in flour. "We're switching." She grumbled to Ratliff.

"What happened to you?" I asked, my eyes wide.

"Ross and Laura had a flour fight." She sighed, handing five bucks to Ratliff who smirked. "You get in there before they have another and run out of flour then they won't have time to make the cake and Vanessa's birthday will be ruined and that can't happen!"

Ratliff stood up wide-eyed. "Okay, okay." He went into the kitchen.

"Man, there's a lot of decorations here." Rydel commented and I rolled my eyes. "I'm gonna take a shower. Please don't mess up while I'm gone."

"I can't speak for Rocky, but I won't mess up." I grinned.

"Hey!" Rocky exclaimed.

~Riker's POV~

So our day wasn't going as well as I'd hoped. I was completely stuck on places to take Vanessa; so far I'd taken her to the supermarket, and now we walking in the park.

"Um so, what are we doing here?" Vanessa asked. "I mean, not that I'm not having a good time or anything. Because I am. It's okay if you didn't plan anything for my birthday."

"But I..."

Vanessa started to walk away. She was crying but she was trying to hide it. "No, it's fine. Honestly. I don't know why I'm so big on birthdays, it's crazy. You had a great day put together of just being together and that's fine. You're not a guy who plans things. I'm just gonna go."

"Vanessa, wait!" I yelled after her but she'd already gone.

Great, now I've hurt her. All because I had to throw her a surprise party and was stupid enough not to think of plans for the rest of the day.

I pulled out my phone and called Ross.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Ross, is Vanessa there?!" I asked, panicking.

"Uh, no. Why would she be here?" He asked, and I heard a door slam shut. 

"Is that Riker?" I heard Maia ask. I'm guessing Ross nodded and Maia snatched the phone from him because she spoke to me. "Riker, Vanessa just turned up here in tears! You're lucky that she was too upset to pay attention to what's around her! What did you do?!"

"She thinks I didn't plan anything and she got really upset, but she was trying to pretend it was fine." I sighed. "Why did I think I could pull this off?"

Maia sighed. "Just come back okay? You can still pull this off. We'll figure it out."

"Okay." I agreed before hanging up.

~Laura's POV~

"What's going on? Why is Vanessa back?" I asked as Maia hung up the phone.

"She thinks he has nothing planned, she got upset and now Riker's freaking out." Maia explained. "I'm gonna go help Rocky hide the decorations. I'll get Rydel and Ratliff to make sure she stays away from the kitchen though I don't expect her to come out of her room."

I nodded. "We'll finish the cake."

"It's looking great, by the way." Maia smiled before she left.

Soon after she left, Ross and I finished Vanessa's cake. It was a large square cake with white fondant icing and fondant pastel roses decorating it. We somehow managed to put a picture of Vanessa on it, and wrote 'Happy Birthday Vanessa' in fancy red writing.

Riker suddenly rushed in. "That looks amazing, guys."

"It does doesn't it?" Ross grinned, admiring the cake.

"So everything's going good?" Riker asked.

I nodded. "Pretty much."

"Great. Let's go and get Vanessa." He said before running out while Ross and I followed him. We got to her room and Riker knocked on the door. "Hey Ness..." He opened the door to find her room empty. "She's at the movies. Come on."

~Vanessa's POV~

I sighed as I walked into the theatre with a bucket of popcorn and sat down. Truth was, I'm kinda upset Riker didn't plan anything for my birthday especially since it was my first birthday that we're together. This is exactly why I spend my birthday's alone.

I saw the movie screen light up and turned my attention to it. Suddenly, Riker's face appeared on the screen.

"Hey Vanessa, I know you always spend your birthday alone but I thought this year you might want some company." Riker came beside me and I looked at him confused. "Mind if I sit?" I nodded and the version on the screen spoke again. "Look under the seat, and read the card. I'll wait for you."

I felt under the seat and picked up a paper card. "Wha-"

"You gotta go fast because of the timing." He ushered me on.

"Okay." I said and opened up the card. "My name is Ness and I like to wear tights, it's dark in this room so let's turn on the lights."

The lights came on and everyone jumped up shouting surprise. I looked at them shocked. They sat back down and the video came back on. It lit up with a black screen and said 'Happy Birthday Vanessa'.

"You had this planned all along?" I asked Riker, lacing our hands together and he smiled.

Laura came on the screen. "What do I think of when I think about Vanessa?"

"When I think of Vanessa..."
Ellington began.

"I think about how sweet she is, and how she's one of the first real friend's I have ever had. And although I haven't known her long, she's been there for me whenever I needed her. And most importantly, she gave me a home." Maia smiled and I felt my eyes getting teary.

"I think of the hair thing..." Ellington continued.

"I think of how she's such an amazing friend, and she's a beautiful person inside and out." Rydel said.

Ross was next."When I think of Vanessa, I think of how she's such a strong person and she's an amazing sister to Laura." 

"The eyes... two eyes." Ellington added.

"She does not like being locked in a room." Rocky said and I laughed.

"There is a... there is... I feel like I'm not doing this right." Ellington said and everyone in the theatre laughed.

"Happy Birthday Vanessa! Your boyfriend is sweet." Katie grinned.

"Blow out the candles and wish away, Happy Birthday Vanessa!" Lucas waved.

Then Ellington came back on, dancing. "Birthdaaaay, Happy Birthdaaaay."

My mom and dad appeared on the screen and I gasped. "Vanessa, if you're watching this you've either broken the rules and snooped in our stuff or it's your 21st birthday and we're not there to celebrate with you." I felt tears fill my eyes again and Riker rubbed my arm comfortingly. "We're sorry we're not there to celebrate with you baby girl."

"Happy Birthday Vanessa, we love you so much. And even if we're not there in person, we're there in spirit watching you and Laura as the beautiful girls you turned out to be." I caught Laura's eyes and we smiled slightly at each other.

"Vanessa, I can't thank you enough for what you've done for me. You took care of me when mom and dad died, and you've been there for me whenever I needed you. I couldn't be more thankful and happy that you're my sister. Happy Birthday Vanessa," Laura smiled.

"Happy Birthday Vanessa!" Rocky smiled.

"Happy Birthday, Vanessa!" Rydel and Ellington said in unison.

"Happy Birthday Vanessa, you're my best friend and I love you." Maia blew a kiss at the camera.

"Happy Birthday, Vanessa." Ross also blew a kiss to the camera.

"Happy, Happy Birthday to the most amazing sister in the whole world. I love you." Laura smiled.

Riker appeared back on the screen holding up a coin. "This is the coin I had when we first kissed. And I always have it. Happy Birthday Vanessa."

By the time the video ended, I was in tears. 

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Vanessa, Happy Birthday to you." Everyone sang as Ross and Laura came in carrying a cake. 

I took this as my chance and ran out. I sat down on the bench outside the room and wiped my tears. It wasn't even a minute later that Riker came out. 

"Vanessa, I'm so sorry. That was cheesy and embarrassing. Ellington was terrible." Riker said and I looked up a him. 

I stood up and wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him. "That's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me." I told him when I pulled away. "I love you so much." That was the first time I'd ever told him that.

"I love you too." He smiled, kissing me again.

A/N: This chapter was heavily based on a episode from one of my favourite shows. But I changed it up a bit, and I hope you liked the chapter. I thought this would suit Rinessa better as their first 'I Love You' than the other idea I had.

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