Chapter 6

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(Edited 6-22-18)


I walk along the lake in silence. It's dark out, but the stars are shining brightly above me lighting the way. My thoughts swarm through my head, questions flooding my brain.

Why did they have to kill my dad?

Am I really a danger to everyone?

What's so wrong with me?

Why me?

More questions and thoughts course through my head as I walk. It has been a day since we got the news and I haven't cried once, and I don't know why. Dylan stopped by a couple times but Jeff shewed him away. I feel bad, maybe Dylan can help me feel better. But maybe he'll just make everything worse. Having him in my life has only complicated things more, and I can't bear to take that right now. I can't bear to think anymore.

"Maia!" I turn to see Dylan approaching me from behind. Speak of the devil.

I don't think but phase and take off towards the woods. I immediately feel better. I feel free. Free from pain and free from the world. I let my wolf take over, but the relief is short lived. The pain comes. I forget that when you're a wolf, everything is heightened. I howl and keep running, but i comes out like a painful and small.

I suddenly notice someone running beside me. Dylan had changed into his wolf and caught up to me.

"Go away Dylan!" It was more of a frustrated thought, but he surprises me by replying.


We both stop in our tracks. I had said that to myself right?

"What? How can you hear my thoughts?" I turn towards him.

"I don't know...that's strange."

I take off yet again, feeling the wind blow through my fur. That is yet another thing that goes unexplained.  As we are running, we come upon a clearing in the trees. We reach the middle and I look up. The stars gleam above me and I am awestruck. The view is amazing. I lay down and feel the grass beneath my fur. It's cold and slightly damp, but it feels good.

I look over to Dylan who is eyeing me curiously. Everything around me is falling apart, but I want to remember this moment. Feeling free.

After a while, we race back to my house on the lake, barely stopping. I change when we reach the porch and grab the large sweatshirt I left there earlier.  I turn to see Dylan standing there buck naked and toss him a blanket that's on the porch swing. He wraps the blanket around his torso and then hesitantly envelopes me in his arms. Tonight allowed me to see that he poses no threat to me.

"You know, I don't understand why they think you're a threat." He sighs.

"One of these days I'll show you why." I whisper into his chest, not meaning it as a threat.

Completely dismissing what I just said he brushes a hair behind my ear.

"I heard what happened...I'm so sorry Maia. Are you okay?" He looks into my eyes.

"I don't know. I haven't cried at all. Is that weird?"

"It will hit you when you least expect it to." His voice is filled with sadness.

He kisses my forehead. "You should rest."

I give him a small smile and walk back up the porch into the house. One of these days all my pent up energy will break me down and I won't be able survive the explosion that comes after.

And that's what I'm most afraid of.


I hear the front door open and look to see who it is.

"Maia," I smile, "How was your run?"

"It was okay. Dylan went running with me," She pauses when I widen my eyes.

"He already knew, I didn't think it could hurt." She explains.

I nod and she continues. "Is it normal for wolves to hear each others thoughts?" She asks. "Dylan and I could hear each other."

"Maia...did your parents ever tell you about the things you'll develop when your a White?" I doubt her mother did. The more she knows about her kind, the stronger she'll get.

She looks at me with a confused look.

"I'm guessing that's a no." I point to the couch and motion for her to sit. She does.

"There's no telling what gifts you'll develop, but reading other people's thoughts and being able to communicate through them is one. It won't be long till you develop the others."  

"The others?" Her eyes widen a little.

"Yes...but it's normal. I wouldn't worry. Just be very careful from now on. If anyone sees you use these powers, then it won't end well...for any of us."

She nods her head and stands up. "I just don't want to hurt anyone. That's all." She whispers.

"I know. Have you called your mother?" I ask.

"No. I haven't gotten around to it." I can't see any emotion in her face. She is shutting herself off from me, and I don't know how to help her.

"Goodnight." She says breaking the silence and shuffling up the stairs.

"She's special." May says coming in from the kitchen.

I give her a quizzical look.

"I can tell. There's something about her. She's gonna be one strong White when she's fully developed." She smiles and sits next to me.

"If she's as strong as you think she will be, then Amity has their work cut out for them."


"Hey dad?" I ask as I get home.

"Yeah Dyl?" He looks up at me from all the paperwork on his desk.

"Have you ever been able to hear other people's thoughts?"

"No, that's really rare. Why?" He gives me a skeptical look.

"Oh I'm just wondering. I think that would be cool to be able to do." I reply nonchalantly. 

"Only White's can do such a thing. And if they allow you to, you can read theirs." He looks back down at his papers.

"Oh interesting. Thanks dad."

I head up to my bedroom with lots of other questions on my mind.

What else can Maia do?

Can I trust her?

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