Chapter 14

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(Edited 8-10-18)

(Carol/the evil girl above)


"I'm done chasing after this White! Either you catch her soon, or there will be consequences." I snap at the head of security.

Porter has been loyal from the beginning, but I'm getting tired of all the chasing. I want her caught, and killed on site.

"I'm sorry Ma'am. She slipped through my fingers and I know it's my fault..." Porter looks down at his feet ashamed.

"You bet your ass it is. Now go! Find her before she slips away yet again!" I shout.

He scurries out of my office, and I grab the file of Kim Weston from my desk. Her tests have been running smoothly, and we are closer than ever before to finding a cure.

I walk from my office to the testing center, and grab a seat in the back.

Our scientists have been working nonstop to find this cure with multiple White's. However, every time we get close, the White dies. We then have to start all over, but with each death we find something new.

Kim is hooked up to a multitude of tubes that are taking out and putting in different liquids.

"We've tried using their blood, brains, and almost every part of their body but nothing seems to be working!" A scientist slams his clip board on the desk and rubs his temples.

"The blood didn't work. There's something missing. The DNA isn't right!"


"Have you guys been working with pure bloods?" I stand and walk to the main lab station.

"Um...I...I don't know." The scientist who had an outburst responds.

"I'm thinking that if we had a pure blood, the formula would work."

Another woman sits up in her chair with her eyes wide.

"It could!"

"How do you know?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"I designed the the formula, and only just now did I realize...I'm so stupid! It's like a puzzle!" She shakes her head.

"Spit it out!" I snap.

"I just now realized that the formula requires a pure host, a perfect fit, like a puzzle. It entangles itself with the host and creates something new...the only problem is, that we need to find a pure bred White. And those are hard to find." The woman explains.

"Well...I guess we better get started. There's no time to waste." I say.

They all nod and begin working again. I leave the room and head to Control.

"Porter! It's time to start working double time. Find all of them. Send out every agent. I want every single White in this world found and brought in!" I shout to the entire room.

"You heard me! Get to work!"

I stalk out of the room and head back to my office.

If we're going to find these pure breds, then we're gonna need a lot more help.

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