Chapter 10

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(Edited 7-3-18)


I splash Dylan as we're walking along the lake.


I run towards the dock in front of the house and try to get away but I can hear him catching up behind me. I laugh out loud, something that's foreign to me. We've spent the day sitting by the lake relaxing. 

Ever since we told each other how we felt a week ago, we've been inseparable. I've been hanging out with him and his friends, and getting to know them. I've spent so much of my time putting up walls and keeping people away, and it started way before I knew what I was. I always kept to myself and when I found out I was a White those walls grew taller. The connection I have with Dylan is so powerful that those walls have come down easier than they have for anyone else. 

It scares me how fast I'm falling, but at the same time I know he'll catch me. I believe he could be my mate and I never thought I would find that with everything that's been going on. It's crazy the way the world works. 

So many things have changed. I have developed new powers along with mind reading. I was sitting at the dinner table with May and Jeff when I thought I asked for the salt. It came flying at me and I was stunned to realize that it was my thoughts that had made it come towards me. The past couple days I've been practicing this new found power and I've gotten pretty good at it. 

Now, with Dylan on my heels, I can't help but feel happy. I feel his arms snake around my waist and I scream with laughter. He picks me up and heads toward the end of the dock.

"Dylan! Don't-"

He swings me out over the water and I gasp hitting the cold water I come back up for air and scream. "Dylan! It's freezing!"

I see him take off his shoes and shirt and he plunges in next to me.

"Oh shit, it is!" He laughs as he resurfaces.

I splash his face and begin swimming towards the shoreline, but before I get far he pulls me to him.

"I hate you right now, I just took a shower." I whine.

"Oh but you love me." He winks and a few droplets of water run down the side of his face. 

I try to suppress a smile but I cant help it. I have never been more attracted to a guy before in my life. He laughs and I swat at his arm. He leans in to kiss me, but I push him away.

"No kiss?" He pouts.

"Nope. This is your punishment for throwing me in here." I turn and swim away.

When I reach the shore I groan. My clothes are soaking and I will definitely need to shower again. I head back up to the porch and stop when I see a car pull in front of the house. I see Wes in the front seat and turn to Dylan who is squeezing the water out of his jeans.

"Dylan, Wes is here." I point to to Wes who slips out of the car.

"Hey Wes. What's up?"

"Hey guys. I wish I was invited to the swim party!" He pouts.

"Oh you want swim?" Dylan moves to pick him up and Wes yips.

"NO! I'm kidding!" They both laugh and I smile, amused.

"What's up?" Dylans grabs his shirt and pulls it over his head, his arms flexing, and me drooling just a tad.

"There is a party tonight at Annabeths house and you guys are invited." He shoves his hands in his pockets.

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