Chapter 11

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(Edited 7-3-18)


When I wake up I'm in a dark room. My hands are cuffed behind me to a chair, and I have a horrible headache. I try to break loose, but the strength has been drained from my body. A door behind me opens and the hair on my neck stands on end. I hear heels and see a shadow pass in front of me. 

A light clicks on, and a woman appears in front of me. She has jet black hair that is tied into a bun. She's wearing a pant suit, and I see a pin in the lapel of her jacket. The Amity symbol. She opens up the file she has in her hands and speaks.

"Maia Mitchell. Of anyone, I thought you would be the hardest to catch." She shrugs and I get goosebumps. Not the good kind.

"What do you want." My words come out ragged and my voice is hoarse.

"Well you of course."

"What do you want with me?" I clarify my question.

"I want to run tests, to study you. hopefully cure you, rid the world of the threat you pose." She was referring to my species.

She starts back to the door and I let out a growl. The door shits behind her and the light shuts off automatically. I focus all my energy on opening the cuffs, but they don't. I try again, but to no avail. My eyes aren't adjusting to the darkness.

"Damn it!" I let out a frustrated scream. Nothing is working!

I continue to struggle with my restraints and soon another figure walks in. The light flicks on and I can see the man clearly. I recognize him.

"Where am I?" I ask.

He laughs but doesn't answer. His eyes give it away.

"I'm still in Alaska aren't I." This time I laugh as his smug look disappears.

"They'll find me, and then kill you. I can guarantee that." I tell him simply.

"I seriously doubt they'll miss you, deary." He squats to my level and it clicks.

The man from my dream.

"Really? Because I believe my aunt and uncle are searching for me right now." I try to sound confident.

"You don't know?" His face lifts with surprise.

"Know what?" I huff and pull on my restraints once more.

"Your aunt and uncle aren't who they say they are, sweetheart." He shakes his head and sighs.

"What are you talking about?" I snap.

"I'm talking about the fact that your aunt and uncle are not your aunt and uncle." He seems to be enjoying the look on my face.


"I don't believe you, you're lying." I refuse to believe him, but my heart sinks regardless.

"Take a look and see."

He slaps an open file on my lap, and I stare down at it.

It's true.

The file reads:

MIA Amity Agents: Eyes

Jeff Roan-location: unknown

May Roan-location: unknown

and a bunch of other names i don't recognize.

I continue to read:

Both Eye Agents disappeared from their location after securing Dana Callaway to the Arizona facility in 2013.

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