11. Honored

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"Renly!" Garrett declared

"I heard we are having a celebration for your name day."

"it's just a reason for mother to set me up with a wife of her choosing." Garrett countered. "But I demanded you be present."

"I'm honored." Renly agreed. "Who is this?" Renly glanced to Jon.

"Oh, Jon, this is my uncle Renly, Renly this is Ned Starks son, Jon." Garrett introduced, Jon noticed how he didnt say bastard, just son. Like it was that easy. Jon extended a hand.


"He seems too proper like you, Garr," Renly teased.

"we need to turn you boys into men!" Loras declared strutting up.

""This is Ser Loras Tyrell." Garrett remarked.

"Gar, lets go, your new hand wants to start already."

"My father is drunk, best time to get things done." Garrett agreed. "Loras can you entertain Jon while we are doing boring nonsense?"

"It would be my pleasure." Renly glanced back at jon, he was certainly Loras type, but loras was loyal enough.

"Renly! You're looking well." Ned turned his attention to the youngest baratheon as Garret and Renly came in.

"And you look tired from the road. I told them this meeting could wait another day, but..." Renly shrugged.

" But we have a Kingdom to look after." Garrett agreed.

"I've hoped to meet you for some time, Lord Stark. No doubt Lady Catelyn has mentioned me." Petyr added

" She has, Lord Baelish. I understand you knew my brother Brandon as well."

"All too well. I still carry a token of his esteem from navel to collarbone." Petyr admitted. Garrett knew the story he wondered if he would ever love someone so much as to go up against a mountain of a man like Brandon Stark had claimed to have been for his love. He thought he would. Arya came to mind for some reason and he shook her wildcard smile out of his mind.

"Perhaps you chose the wrong man to duel with." Ned countered

" It wasn't the man that I chose, my Lord. It was Catelyn Tully. A woman worth fighting for, I'm sure you'll agree." Petyr added, Ned's lips pursed.

"I humbly beg your pardon, my Lord Stark."

" Grand Maester."

"i want everything to be perfect!" Cersei declared. "No, no move that!"

"Your grace." Sansa whispered coming up behind her. Cersei turned slowly to Sansa, eyes narrowed before she offered a small smile.

"Yes little dove?"

"I was wondering if you needed anything? Any help." Sansa offered. "I would like to help with Prince Garretts celebration."

"Oh, thats sweet." Cersei agreed looking around. Sansa needed to get in good with Cersei so she saw that Sansa would not only make a good wife but Garret but a good queen one day. Arya rolled her eyes, Jon had ditched her for knights and Sansa was busy kissing the queens ass. Arya wondered if she should get in with the queen, help Garrett to see her as a real option if his mother loved her but... she didnt really want to deal with Cersei.

" How many years has it been? You were a young man."

" And you served another King." Ned recalled.

"Mayhaps he serves me one day.' Garrett added.

"Mayhaps you replace him with a younger version." Renly countered.

" How forgetful of me. This belongs to you, now. "Should we begin?" Pycelle questioned. Ned took the hand of the king pin in his hand.

Dynasty / Arya Stark X oc MaleWhere stories live. Discover now