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Ian's POV

I curled in a ball under a park bench as I saw the rain start pouring from the clouds, booming thunder following it. I hated when it stormed because the lightning always struck by the park and it always gave me the chills, thinking it would hit me, causing me to die on impact.

But no, it never did. It just teased me, always sticking the tree in the middle of the park, causing lots of different swirls and stripes to appear on it, making it so much more beautiful. I always wondered if lightning would have struck me, would it make me beautiful? I doubt it.

It always.. fascinated me at some points. The fact, that the colors changed based on the weather. Some times it would be orange or blue or just natural white. But the rarest one was a bright purple. It signaled so many things. Luck, love, more things but I can't seem to remember.

It was basically a shooting star, but in lightning form. Purple meant royalty, purple lightning was royal. The rarest color to see. The humans hated us. Some have been killed by them and others have just been beaten.

For some odd reason.. I haven't been touched. Not one scratch. Not one bruise, cut or broken bone. I've seen others get beaten and the humans even see me, stare at me for at least three seconds and then run off along with their families.

I never knew why they didn't hurt me, but I was grateful for at least not being hurt. My mom died years ago from her being beaten to death. It was pure heartbreaking. I had to move in with my best friend melanie, she was a hybrid of human and koala.

She was very caring and sweet but she could get angry at some times. Her ears were so soft. She always said I had some weird obsession with them, which I didn't object over. But then.. at a point, she was kidnapped.. by them. The humans took her when we were about 18 years old.

I haven't seen her since that day. She told me to run. I did. I got away, I didn't look back but I could hear her loud screams back at the house, only making tears pour out of my eyes.

I made it towards the woods and then.. I fell asleep there and then I was chased up to this moment. I wasn't bothered, I wasn't talked to and I wasn't made fun of. I was invisible, they saw me being chased and then me getting away. They left me alone and I was never touched again. Was it because of that one day? I don't know. But I'm at least grateful.

I curled in a tighter ball and shivered slightly as the rain drops started falling through the cracks of the bench. I closed my eyes and curled my tail around my waist and bit my lip gently. I heard thunder boom throughout the sky, causing me to jump immensely and whimper softly.

I heard other whimpers echo throughout the dark alleys around the tall business buildings. I sighed softly and dug my face into my knees and closed my eyes again. I heard another small boom and more whimpers throughout the alleys.

I don't know how anyone can sleep with all of this going on. I've gotten used to it throughout the years but I'm guessing these hybrids haven't. I sighed again as I crawled out from under the bench, the rain immediately flattening my hair and my ears.

I hugged my arms tightly as I saw a long zig zag of lightning strike the tree, forming more swirls into it. I sighed softly and continued walking down the road. It stormed a lot here, it is starting to become a usual weather just like a sunny day for you all.

That's why that tree makes me so calm and happy. It was unusual just like me. It had its flaws and its own beauty. I feel myself having inner beauty more than I have it on the outside. My personality consists of so many things that I don't even understand myself sometimes.

I take walks like these mostly at night, while the humans are sleeping. I don't like when theirs out in public. They put on such evil faces at us and it's so terrifying. All I do during the day is basically snack on grass and sit under the shade of the beautiful tree.

I heard that from a long time ago, the purple lightning struck this tree and that's why the different patterns form on this specific tree. But it was so long ago, I don't know if it's true. Sometimes I believe it and then other times I just believe that this is the tree that every lightning strike wants to pick on.

Other times I would climb the tree and just rest on its branch while staring at the sky, day dreaming or just watching the other hybrids play around on the ground on the good days. Their so happy on those days. They either might be tagging or chatting or laughing loudly or playing games, but either way I love the beauty of each and every one.

I love how each of them are unique. I love how every one of them have their own.. fur feeling or fur color.. or eye color and each genuine smile. Most of them had a partner that they stay with all day and then others had best friends they talk to every day. But the least had nobody. The least was me. I wasn't social that much but I could be if I wanted to.

But I don't, I don't really like the company of other people. They end up breaking your heart and leaving you for a better best friend in the end, or in this case.. they get kidnapped after you get so attached to them. I can't bare to talk to another person after that one day.

My life has become a daily routine and I can promise, I don't plan on changing it.

Love isn't perfect -Ianthony ~ (BoyXBoy) ~Where stories live. Discover now