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Ian's POV

I slowly opened my eyes to notice I was in the same tree I loved. I looked around and saw that I was on the lowest branch, leaned my back against the tree and my legs being lifted by the branch itself.

Sometimes this happen, when I took my nighttime strolls, I would wake up in this tree. But sometimes I would just wake up under the same park bench I was always so used to be sleeping under.

I've gotten used to this also. It was quite confusing the first time it happen, I didn't know how or when I walked here but I always seemed to just end up here. But the most confusing thing that happen that day, was a small heart shaped scar on my chest.

It was something I never understood but it amused me quite well. I also didn't know when I got it or how but it just happen to be there the day I woke up in the tree. It had a hint of purple but just barely. It wasn't that big but it was at least the size of the top of a water bottle.

It had plumpness to it, it rose from my skin just a bit. I could tell it was a deep scar but I just didn't know how I have gotten it. It always made me smile if I just looked at it. It always gave me thoughts of love or happiness, even though I knew they would never come.

I never thought of it as a disgusting mark on my body, I thought of it as a unique mark that just somehow appeared there. I admired it actually, it was basically the thing that kept me smiling at my darkest times.

I usually sat in the tree and I even sometimes saw the tint of purple turn slightly brighter but once I left it, the purple faded. It always made me think, did it have something to do with the tree? But I never figured out my answer.

But the most times it turned a slight brighter is when I'm even just strolling around in the night, it always seemed to grow brighter. I don't know why, but it just always did, but then at the most random times, the purple faded once more.

I sighed as I swung my legs over the branch and looked down at all the hybrids, once again laughing and playing around with others and having serious talks on the edges of the pavement. I laid my head against the bark of the tree and closed my eyes.

People never noticed the marks on the tree like I did. They never looked close enough. I could always make out what shapes or sizes they were, but there was always one that stumped me the most. It was small writing and it was just so unreadable that I just gave up. I haven't looked at it since then, and I don't plan to.

Sometimes there were, squares or stars and sometimes even hearts. The shapes were so clear to me but that one writing wasn't. I need to stop talking to myself... I sound like a complete idiot..

I sighed and slowly opened my eyes and looked back down at the ground and slowly jumped down. Everyone's gaze turned towards me as they heard my feet hit the ground with a small 'thump'. I quickly looked down and sat on the ground and leaned my back against the tree.

I pulled my knees up to my chest and sighed softly as I saw everyone's gaze go back to their friend or their loved ones. I leaned my head back and felt the cool breeze blow through my hair. I felt a small sting on my chest as I quickly pulled down my shirt slightly and saw my scar glowing purple, glowing. I mean actually glowing.

I quickly looked around and saw everyone still talking to each other, nothing was unusual so why was it doing this? It slowly faded its purple away as I pulled my shirt back up to my neck. I bit my lip gently and shook my head.

I licked my hand and rubbed it on top of my head constantly in the same routine for about a minute, grooming myself. I slowly put my hand down and hugged my knees once again. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes and looked at the bark and traced my fingers over the beautiful designs.

I smiled softly and leaned my head against them gently. I smiled brighter and slowly stood up and slid my hands into my pockets and started walking through the small fence that kept the small park unnecessarily protected. I hopped up onto the sidewalk pavement, passing some other hybrids giving me an uneasy look.

I quickly looked away from their gaze and walked across the clear sidewalk cement. I felt the stinging light up my chest and glow a bright purple through my shirt. I gasped and held onto my chest, closing my eyes tightly. That is, until I bumped into someone and falling back onto my butt.

"Ow..." I whispered, still clutching my chest. "O-Oh God I'm sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going!" The guy rambled on. I slowly opened my eyes and looked up at the guy and gasped quietly.

He was indeed a dog, with dark chocolate brown hair and bright floppy ears and Carmel brown eyes and a fluffy brown tail. I felt my chest burn brightly as I stared up at him. "No... it's fine.." I whispered, slowly standing up, ignoring the pain burning in my chest.

He grinned widely and held out his hand. "I'm Anthony!" He said, grinning confidently. I giggled softly and coughed. "I'm Ian.." I said, smiling slightly. He grinned wider as I reached out and shook his hand slowly. "Well, it was nice meeting you Ian! Hope to see you around! But I have a giant steakhouse to interrupt!" He said waving a small goodbye, then skipping down the sidewalk.

As I just stood there, mesmerized. What the fuck is happening.

Love isn't perfect -Ianthony ~ (BoyXBoy) ~Where stories live. Discover now