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I quickly shook my head and looked down, continuing my small walk around the block. I stared down at my feet and watched them take left and right steps and kept my hands dug in my pockets. My tail hung down, almost touching the ground as my ears were perked up tall.

I looked up and frowned slightly as I saw the cloud get a slight dark gray and the sun slowly creep behind the clouds causing the sky to start getting dark. I hunched over as I felt a small drop hit the back of my neck and drip down to my chest gently brushing against my scar, causing me to jump slightly.

I quickly wiped it over and blushed warmly as I felt more drops hit my hair, flattening it immediately. I smiled slightly and turned around and saw many hybrids quickly fleeing the park. I shook my head slightly and walked back to the park and jumped up onto the tree and sighed.

I smiled slightly as the drops stopped falling on me and a small bit of thunder boomed throughout the sky. I wasn't going to be sleeping under the bench, this tree.. is my new home. My new shelter.

I slowly closed my eyes and leaned my head back slightly and smiled softly, as I felt myself be pulled into the darkness known as sleep.

~5 hours later~

I quickly snapped my eyes open as I saw a bright light burning up in the sky. I gasped and widened my eyes as I saw the color was indeed purple. I widened my eyes wider as I saw the lightning strike the tree, making me feel an electric charge flow throughout my body, causing me to stay still through the whole time it was happening.

As it ended, I let out the deepest breath I have ever let out. I looked down at my chest and saw a small bit of writing I couldn't make out. I shook my head quickly and looked down slightly, letting go of my shirt.

I closed my eyes tightly and opened them slightly to see the sky getting brightly clear. That was purple lightning. Oh my god... that was... purple lightning. It struck me! I rubbed all over my body, getting slightly worried that the lightning had fried one of my needed organs.

I shook my head quickly and leaned my head back and snapped it up quickly as I heard a tiny human-like bark come from below the tree. I looked down and saw Anthony at the bottom, wagging his tail crazily.

"Hey Ian!" He yelled, grinning widely. I sighed and jumped down, smiling softly. "Hey... how did you know I was here?" I asked, slightly creeped out. He shook his head and chuckled loudly. "I didn't! I saw the lightning! It struck the tree! I love when this tree gets stuck, it always leaves these awesome shapes on the bark!" He squealed, grinning wider.

I widened my eyes and looked over at the tree. "You can... you can see the designs?" I asked, slightly concerned. He nodded giddily and clapped his hands. "Yeah! I come here every time the storms come! The lightning strikes and I always check what it carved into the bark!" He said, peeking at the tree.

I slowly stepped out of his way and he skipped over to the tree and pointed out the small hearts. "See? These hearts are the ones mostly carved into!" He said, tracing his fingers over the small hearts.

I stared at the hearts and blushed slightly. "Really?" I whispered, very surprised. He nodded quickly and pointed to the stars. "These, usually get carved by night storms!" He said, tracing his finger over the star patterns.

He then pointed to the one symbol all by itself. "The figure eight symbol, is the only one that's so perfectly visible that it's always the one I first see.." He said, looking over at me and smiling. I smiled back softly and grinned slightly, showing my slightly sharp fangs.

He chuckled softly and stepped away from the tree and walked over to me. "Aren't they beautiful?" He asked, grinning widely at me. I nodded slightly, staring over at the tree with pure love and adoration.

I felt his gaze stuck on me with that goofy grin on his face, making me giggle in response and turn to him. "What's with the giddy grin?" I asked, smiling softly. He chuckled loudly and I saw a small blush form on his cheeks and his eyes light up.

"S-Sorry it's just a habit.." He trailed off, his tail wagging immensely. I giggled again and looked away slightly. I looked back over and saw him making a funny face, causing me to laugh loudly and cover my mouth immediately.

He laughed and wagged his tail faster. "Maybe we should come here some might together! We could watch for light in together in the tree!" He said, giddily. I nodded quickly and folded my hands. "Sure! Of course!" I said, smiling slightly bright.

He grinned wider and clapped happily. "Okay! I'll see you around Ian!" He said waving once more. I nodded slightly, giggling slightly. What is the dog doing to me?

~3 hours of leaning on the tree, daydreaming later~

I slowly stood up and wiped the dust off of my pants and slipped my hands back into my pockets and reached up and gripped onto a branch and pulled myself up and sat down, propping my legs up on the branch and leaning back onto the bark.

I folded my hands and grinned softly, thinking about me and Anthony.. sitting here, and talking about the beautiful symbols, carved into the bright brown bark. Us talking about ourselves and our interests and simple questions or answers.

Us, leaning against the tee, staring at the clouds and making random pictures out of the clouds in the sky, connecting into one big image. All these thoughts clouded my mind as I felt a small tap on my shoulder.

Love isn't perfect -Ianthony ~ (BoyXBoy) ~Where stories live. Discover now