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Ian's POV

I woke up in the tree once again, there were new marks in the tree. There were more writings, they were much more visible.

Love starts with curiosity. I didn't know what it meant, but I knew I still couldn't read the other writing on the tree. I have noticed that the one that is hardest to read, is the oldest.

It had such fine print, yet it was so blurry. No, I didn't need those stupid things humans need. Glasses. No, hybrids could see so much more clearer.

But for a reason I didn't know, the writing was blurry. I couldn't read it whatsoever. So, I just gave up one day. I haven't looked at it since then, I always pay more attention to other things around the park.

The hybrids don't really pay attention to things like I do, they have fun and play with the people they care about. I don't do that anymore, I used to.

It changed that one terrible day, which I will not dare to mention. I saw my images in the dirt, completely engraved in the now dry mud.

I looked over more, seeing my main image engraved as if it was part of the tree. It was tinted with purple, and blue. It looked beautiful.

It had other symbols around it, mostly stars. Yet what really made me stare, were the two lightning strikes above the two figures. One, purple and one, blue.

It was so unique, so alluring. I didn't know how they got there, nor did I care. They were so beautiful. They were so bright and illuminating.

It's like I couldn't take my eyes away from it, it was so realistic. The figures looked as if they were starting to glow. I knew It was just my imagination yet it looked so real.

I slowly moved down the tree, next to the figures. I could see the glow gleaming onto the tree. The glow was not just purple, it had blue with it.

It was glowing brighter as I stared at it longer. I blinked quickly, seeing it completely normal, no glow at all. Just wood. I furrowed my eyebrows, looking away slightly to see a figure in the front of the gates and I knew exactly who it was.

He walked over to me slowly, smiling softly. I blushed brighter than I have in a long time, that's when I felt the stinging on my chest again. The little heart was glowing, so bright I couldn't even look at it.

I looked back up, seeing him in front of me with a bright blue glow, illuminating from his chest. I gasped softly, as he sat down next to me.

He reached over, taking one of my hands. "Do you see the blue too?" He whispered, smiling warmly. I nodded slowly, looking down at my chest. "Do you see the purple?" I whisper back.

He moved his other hand, gently placing it on my chest. "How could I not?" He whispered once more. I blinked slowly, staring deeply into his eyes.

Author's POV (heh that's right)

As they stared into each other's eyes, they hadn't noticed that the two images that Ian had drawn, were glowing. The writing Ian was so given up with, was also becoming so much clearer.

They slowly smiled at each other, each of them showing their small pair of bright white fangs.

They were the only two in their world and for once, Ian was focusing on only one thing. He had found love, he wasn't the least anymore. He was a unique and beautiful hybrid who had just found their happiness.

Anthony, had just found his other half. He had the symbol of a small blue heart on his chest. It had a small writing below it, just like Ian's.

He couldn't read it just yet, but he knew he would just have to wait and then it would become more clear than glass. But he could read only one word, it was a small word yet he almost knew what it meant. Is.

Ian, had just found his love. His symbol was of a small purple heart, it had writing below it. He could only tell what one word said. Isn't. Ian only knew what Anthony did.

They had noticed that this had happen to only two other hybrids. Back when this tree was first grown. Ian could read some of the writings now, it was a story.

This tree had a beautiful story, it had adventures, carvings, images, color, symbols and pure beauty. It's almost, as if it was showing him what love was at first sight.

It didn't matter what you were, it doesn't always have to be cat with cat or dog with dog. It could be a unique relationship. It doesn't have to be perfect.

It didn't have to be a rule to be in love with another hybrid. It didn't have to be two exact hybrids together. You should love who you fall in love with.

That tree, it told him the other hybrids who made this tree. The images shows so much love that it made him smile so brightly he it made his cheeks hurt.

He moved his hands over each picture as he got mesmerized by how much beauty each one held. The color was so bright and beautiful.

Then, it's when he got to the two main images. That's when he made a small gasp at how perfect and gorgeous they were. They told so much just by looking at the picture.

It had two small hybrids in the middle of the tree, there was a small figure with tiger ears and another one with small deer ears.

They both had bright green eyes with cute little smiles on their faces with a small heart in between them. It made him, furrow his eyebrows and place his fingers over the image softly.

Then there was the writing, the writing he couldn't read before. It had so much meaning it almost made him burst into tears.

He turned to Anthony, reading out the writing that was so much clearer now. "Love isn't perfect, but love is love." He whispered, feeling tears slowly pouring down his face.

Anthony, also had tears pouring down his face as he knelt down beside Ian, taking his hand and smiling. "I love you Ian.." He whispered. Ian only could feel his heart beating quickly yet loudly.

"I love you too.." He whispers back with a small smile.

Love isn't perfect -Ianthony ~ (BoyXBoy) ~Where stories live. Discover now