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Part 1
Rose giggled and poked The Doctor in his side. He jumped back, frowning playfully. "I found it!" She chased him around the console, finger pointed, ready to tickle him again.

"No!" He shouted, hitting random levers and buttons as he ran. "You'll never get me!"

"Oh, yeah?" Rose turned on the speed, but ran into The Doctor as he stopped in his tracks and turned, arms open. They both laughed as they hit the floor, Rose lying on top him. She stayed there a moment, laughing softly as she gazed into his wondrous brown eyes. She loved those. Coming to her senses, she jumped up. Yes, they were together, but it was a little awkward for her to be lying on top of him. She helped him get to his feet. He smiled at her and reached around her to push the lever that would allow the TARDIS to take off.

"Hold on to something," he said. "This ride's going to be a wild one." Rose grabbed his hand and the railing just before the random jolting of the TARDIS travelling through time and space began. A minute later, she was pushing herself off the ground, smiling at The Doctor, who had somehow landed on the other side of the console room. "Are you ready, Rose Tyler?"

She nodded. "Where are we?"

"Surprise." Was all he said before opening the doors. "Well I don't need my coat, it's quite cozy looking."

Rose got on her tiptoes and looked over his shoulder. A living room of sorts was in front of them, empty of life. But this particular living room was... a cave. "What is this place, then?" She asked with curiosity as she and The Doctor exited his blue box.

"Appears to be a house underground," he replied after pressing his ear up to the stone wall. He recoiled suddenly and sniffed the wall. "No... make that a whole town. Maybe even an entire state-conglomerate." Rose watched in curiosity and amusement at his deducing. "Wow. Reminds me of the Silurians, but you haven't met them yet. Probably good, they don't like the pink and yellow." He gestured to her face. "Anyway, this isn't them. It's too... homely." He gazed at the fireplace in the corner. He raised an eyebrow, but didn't say more.

"This is interesting." Rose said. "Well come on then." She spoke over her shoulder as she began to walk down a stone corridor leading away from the room. The Doctor speed walked to catch up to her. The hall was big enough for the both of them to walk side-by-side and hold hands. It was stone as well, perfectly carved and smooth. Little lights in the wall guided them as they went on their way. There were several turn offs, but The Doctor and Rose headed straight down the corridor, following the sound of voices. Eventually, the two arrived at a large cavern with a small market place filled with people shopping and selling different merchandise. They looked just like humans- only with green skin and gills on their necks.

"They must have lungs," The Doctor whispered in Rose's ear. "Otherwise they would need water tanks." The Doctor and Rose were the only "pink and yellow" skinned beings there. "Well this will be awkward to explain..." He said as people began to notice them and talk to others. Rose and The Doctor cautiously walked through the rows of alien vegetables and fruits, clothes, and other things such as statues. The Doctor sent nasty looks to the statues, but other than that, he was relaxed looking.

A few minutes after exploring, an important man approached them. "Excuse me." Even his voice was slightly intimidating. Rose gripped The Doctor's hand. He felt her uneasiness, but took control of the situation. "I'm the governor of this conglomerate. Who are you?"

"We're space communication inspectors." The Doctor responded with a flash of the good-ole psychic paper. "Come to check that all is well and communications are up and well."

The man nodded, believing The Doctor's lie. "You will find we are just fine. We haven't had society problems for years, as we are a peaceful race, and our communications say the same. We do not lie." The man seemed slightly offended.

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