#15- Time is Running Out

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No author's note in this part. Look to the next part if you're interested in discussing the story. But, for now, go ahead and read. Here it is.


"You got my bag?" Rose asked, slightly leaning back with her hand on her stomach. She was nearly ready to pop and they were going to Jackie's since it was Christmas Eve. They'd both decided Rose would have the baby on Earth, at home. Although, the Doctor had made Rose promise to let him take her to a higher medical facility if something went wrong. She was slightly nervous, having a half alien baby and all. However, she had the Doctor to calm her nerves.

"Yeah. Now let's get a move on, your mum is waiting." The Doctor said as he exited the TARDIS. They were parked outside her mum's flat and it was lightly snowing.

"Look, real snow." Rose said with a smile. The Doctor grinned, then ushered her into the building. He helped her to climb the stairs and then they reached Jackie's door.

The Doctor knocked. They waited patiently as Jackie made her way to the front door. She opened the door and a smile spread on her face at the sight of the Doctor and Rose. Surprise also spread on her face, as she's just seen Rose who'd been a few months less pregnant. She shook it off, however, and greeted her daughter and son-in-law.

They were ushered into the living room and given tea. The flat was decorated for Christmas a little bit more than before and presents were spread under the tree. They had conversation for awhile, the Doctor telling her about what had happened with the zoo and how he'd insisted they come back so Rose wouldn't get hurt anymore. After hearing this story, Jackie's eyes filled with a sort of sadness, understanding the emotional pain Rose had felt.

In fact, Rose was still getting over it herself. After returning, she'd hardly been able to let go of her husband's hand and still had nightmares. They'd spent a lot of time together, healing her. But she still felt the loneliness she'd felt before, causing her to hold onto her life even tighter.

Later that night, Rose and the Doctor climbed in bed. A sense of sadness and loss had gripped Rose's heart, and she didn't understand what it was about. She snuggled into the Doctor's chest even more than usual, clinging onto his shirt.

"Are you okay, Rose?" The Doctor asked, noticing how she was acting.

"Yeah, I'm alright. I guess I just feel sad." She whispered. He kissed her head and rubbed her back.

"You're okay, Rose. I'm here." She nodded, snuggling closer into him. He held her tightly, making sure she knew he was there to keep her safe.

Sometime in the night, she woke up from her sleep. The Doctor was still asleep, so she slithered out of his grasp and stood as quietly as possible. She didn't know why, she just felt the need to feel the cold air on her skin and to see the snow falling.

She quietly exited the flat, shutting the door behind her. She left the building, walking right next to the TARDIS. Before leaving, she'd grabbed the Doctor's jacket to wrap around herself, which was currently keeping her warm. She pulled it a little tighter as the cold air nipped at her skin. Snow fell quietly around her. She watched in awe, feeling a sense of calm. Then, the quiet began to bother her.

It was too quiet. A chill which was not caused by the cold gripped her bones and she suddenly felt the urge to go back inside. She began to walk towards the building, going as fast as she could with another living thing inside her. However, she was not fast enough.

She felt a hand grip her shoulder and pull her back. She opened her mouth to scream, but something pierced her neck and blackness took over her. She knew nothing for the rest of the night.

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