#6-Lost and Found (Based off of theungreengirlofoz's Forgotten)

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All credit for the main plot line (although I change it quite a bit) is to @theungreengirlofoz

Check out their story "Forgotten" to see the original plot line and an amazing story!


Rose stretched her legs out and snuggled closer to the body next to her. She felt completely happy and comfortable. The arm that was wrapped securely around her waist pulled her closer. A bubbly feeling rose in her as she remembered the happenings of the past few days. She opened her eyes. She felt completely rested, ready to go on her and The Doctor's "vacation", as they were calling it. The Doctor had planned a surprise for Rose and she was excited.

The Doctor gazed down at Rose, who was tightly in his grasp. She had just woken up, clearly happy. He was, too. For so many reasons. He had the woman he loved in his arms. They'd just had a wonderful last few days, especially the night previous. At the thought he squeezed her.

"Good morning." He said to her, voice sounding unused and deep. Rose liked it.

"A very good morning, indeed." She replied, snuggling even closer, if at all possible. "So where to, Doctor?"

He grinned down at her. "You know I won't tell you." She rolled her eyes playfully and sat up.

"Suppose we should get going, though. Come on." Rose sounded a bit disappointed to leave his arms, but she was also excited to see what he had in store for her.


Twenty minutes later they were both in the console, ready to go. Rose smiled at The Doctor as he pulled a lever and the TARDIS took off, the comforting wheezing surrounding Rose like a cloud on which she could float.

The floor jerked and she fell to the ground. Luckily, that was the worst of the flight and soon they were by the door ready to go.

"You ready?" The Doctor smiled at her as he pulled on his coat. He gripped her hand tightly, so glad to have her by his side.

"Always." And with that, The Doctor flung the door open.


Rose laughed and stumbled into The Doctor's arms. The music blared loud and Rose wondered again if she'd had one too many. The Doctor hadn't, it was very difficult for him to get drunk. She wasn't really, but she felt it coming on. They'd had a wonderful night of dancing, laughing, drinking and spending time together.

The Doctor had brought her to a planet that forever partied. It was just the beginning of their honeymoon, he said. He'd shown her the different districts offering different versions of partying. He'd shown her where the people came in and left from, after all no one could stay there forever.

Their last stop had been here, this little pub on the corner.

The Doctor pulled her close and murmured into her ear, load enough for her to hear, "Are you okay?"

"I'm not sure." She mouthed back. "I'm going to the bathroom." She smiled at him then pulled away. She shoved her way through the crowd until she came to a little hallway that said 'bathroom'. It was long and the light was too dim to really see anything. Something in the dark gave her the shivers, but she shook it off. She could see the bathroom door right there. Besides, travelling with The Doctor taught her not to fear the dark, not because there wasn't anything there, but because he could protect her.

She strode forward, letting her hand drag along the wall as she went. The darkness crept up to her and met her halfway. Hands grabbed her, covering her mouth before she could protest. She screamed The Doctor's name into the hand covering her mouth, but over the music the little groan that came out could never be heard. She was dragged into the shadows by the tight grip the hands had on her. She felt a prick in her neck and slowly the blackness engulfed her completely and she knew nothing.

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