#12- Next Door

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Rose turned over, halfway between being awake and asleep. Something was tickling her brain and it was bothering her. However, she was having trouble waking up to see what it was. Her dream state confused her brain and she saw The Doctor's face, surrounded by Gallifreyan. She tried to pull herself to consciousness, but another dream took over.

She was in the TARDIS, headed for the console room. She was on a mission, but she wasn't sure what. She reached the console room, but the console wasn't there.

She kept walking, however, right to where it normally was. A loud noise went off and then a pedestal began to grow out of the spot the TARDIS console usually sat. This was different, skinnier and steal looking. It looked like living steel, as if it were a tree, and glowed a dark blue. It reached about her hip height, ending in a circular top. All of a sudden a creme coloured clock appeared on top, covered in Gallifreyan. The hands spun at fast speeds in random directions, often in the wrong direction. Then the console grew on top of the clock.

Rose automatically moved forward, moving her hands about, controlling the console. She flew the magic time machine through the vast universe, setting the destination she had in mind.

'Bring me to The Doctor' she thought. The TARDIS whirred in response, landing. Rose went to the doors and opened them, surprised to find herself in an old castle's courtyard. The scene was beautiful, magical. The air had a bite to it and the stars shone down on the very man she sought out. He sat leaning against the stone wall of the courtyard. As soon as she exited the magic box, his eyes found hers and a twinkle set in them.

"Rose." His voice made her heart flutter and she wanted to run up to him.

"Doctor." Her voice was low and powerful. She approached him and sat next to him, looking up at the marvellous stars. "They're beautiful."

"Just wait." He whispered, his hand finding hers.


Fireworks exploded above them and her heart fluttered. The fireworks were a mix of dark blues and golds. How doctorish.

Her eyes observed the beauty of it all when she felt him lean in. "Rose, I love you." Her heart fluttered and began to beat rapidly. Had he really just said that? Did he truly feel that way?

"Doctor, I love you too." She turned her head and met him halfway with a kiss.

Rose jerked awake, breathing heavily and sweating. An unnerving noise was coming from somewhere, like the whistling of the wind but with a moaning undertone. The Doctor was sitting up next to her, apparently having just woken and listening intently to the odd noise. Rose realised she and The Doctor were married, that the dream had not been real. It had been quite a wonderful dream, however.

"Doctor, what is that?" She whispered, hugging herself in the cold air of the flat. He shushed her and listened even closer. The noise grew then quieted, grew then quieted.

"Come on." He whispered, gesturing for her to follow. They padded softly through the flat, The Doctor grabbing his sonic on the way. The noise was coming from the flat next door where the cranky old man Rose had never talked to lived. They went out into the cold December night, moving to the door next to Jackie's. The Doctor knocked, breath making a big cloud in the air. No one responded, the knock echoing in their heads slightly as if in a foreboding manner. The noise only got louder as they waited. "Wait here until I say it's safe." He said after awhile and no one answering. She started to argue, then stopped, remembering the baby. She just nodded. He kissed her forehead quickly before opening the door with the sonic and going in.

The Doctor was surprised to find the flat empty. They'd just seen the neighbour the day before, and here the flat was with out any furniture or any signs of life other than that noise. He followed it as it got louder and found himself in the living room.

"Oh no..." He whispered.

Rose waited impatiently, wanting to know what was going on. She looked at her watch. Two minutes had passed. What was taking so long?

Eventually, she couldn't take it anymore so she took a step inside the flat. She immediately stopped and froze.

Rose, how nice of you to come visit us. Our apologies, we couldn't get to you here. Don't worry though, we'll find a way. A laugh.

He's gotten you pregnant, has he? If I were you, I wouldn't get attached.

Rose's eyes widened and she gripped her stomach protectively.

Don't think you can stop us. We are coming for you. You will be ours.

"Rose?" The thoughts evaporated from her brain and she was confused as to how she'd ended up in the apartment and why she was holding her stomach protectively. She couldn't remember what happened. "What are you doing?"

"I don't know." She mumbled, looking up at The Doctor approaching. "What did you find?"

His eyes narrowed but then he said, "it's a tear in space-time. Like the one The Master created. Luckily this one is smaller and less powerful so I can shut it from this side using the TARDIS. I'd better be quick, though. It's causing stress on the infrastructure of the building and we wouldn't want it collapsing on us. And it's already taken your neighbour and his belongings as energy." Rose frowned, feeling slightly sad for the little old grumpy man. "Why don't you get back to bed, I'll meet you when I'm done?" He asked. Rose nodded in agreement. She was feeling quite tired.

"Goodnight, Doctor."

"Goodnight, Rose."

Rose climbed into bed, feeling the tiredness hit her hard. She curled up, letting sleep take over.

She had many dreams that night, but one phrase kept repeating itself over and over again in them.

"If I were you, I wouldn't get attached."


Uh oh! Any theories on who it is that's been sending the messages to Rose and why? Or any theories about what is going to happen?

I was in a writing mood today so I've written a lot. I don't know if I'm going to get a chance to post this tonight or not, but I will by tomorrow morning.

Comment, vote, etc. Please! Thanks!

The dream at the beginning is actually mine, I had it awhile ago and wrote it down. I figured you guys would like it.

If you're interested, here are my social media accounts:
Instagram: @doctorsuperlockat221b
Tumblr: @doctorsuperlockat221b

Thanks for reading!


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