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I hope this isn't too unbelievable. I kind of feel like I'm ruining it. Oh well I guess we shall see. Thanks for reading!


As soon as they had the TARDIS, they were back to Earth to show Jackie. Rose didn't want to go out and say it, she wanted it to be a surprise. She wanted her mum to discover it on her own. Rose had a plan for that.

Rose knocked on her mother's flat door and waited. Jackie opened it and nearly tackled Rose when she saw her.

"Rose! You've come home!" After a few seconds of hugs, she pulled The Doctor and Rose in, not missing a peck on The Doctor's cheek. He grimaced and wiped his face where she'd kissed him. "You'll never believe it, Rose. Danielle got a job at that place you always wanted to go and-"

"Mom, look at my nails." Rose interjected, holding up her left hand. Jackie took one glance at Rose's nails, missing the obvious, and went right on.

"Very nice. She says she could get you a shirt or something, just to keep, you know, as if you aren't getting enough random junk with him." Jackie gestured at The Doctor, who was suppressing a laugh.

"That's great, mum, but look at my nails!" Rose tried again, but Jackie shot her down.

"I told you they're nice, now let me finish telling you about what's been going on." Rose tried to disguise the giggle that escaped her lips as her clearing her throat. "Then you can tell me about all the aliens you've met and all."

So The Doctor and Rose shut up and listened to Jackie Tyler talk about useless things until neither could stand it. "Mum!" Rose interjected into one of Jackie's particularly interesting stories about Lois, her friend from a few flats above, who'd been cheating on her husband.

"Now why'd you go and cut me off like that?" Jackie said, clearly a little distressed herself.

"Mum, just look at my nails." Rose exclaimed.

"Fine." She said, taking Rose's hand. There was a moment of silence and then a scream erupted from Rose's mother. She'd seen it.


It was something small. The Doctor and Rose had talked it through. Rose knew they wouldn't be the normal married couple, they would never settle down. She doubted much would change in their relationship, at least from what they would appear like from the outside. But she knew they would grow closer and become inseparable. The change was something small, but it would mean a lot.

So they planned a small get together, nothing long and drawn out. A priest came out and Jackie and Mickey attended. Mickey wasn't the slightest bit glad to see The Doctor, but he did tell Rose he was happy she was. They had it right in front of the TARDIS, right there on the street. Rose wore a simple white dress, nothing fancy. The Doctor put on his nice suit with a bow tie. Rose thought he was very handsome. He thought she was gorgeous.

Then came the time to say their vows. Sure, some part of The Doctor couldn't stand just being there and doing something so domestic, but he loved it in a way. It was for Rose, so he was happy.

"Doctor, ever since I've met you, I've been on my toes. There were times I was in danger, but you were always there for me. Ever since I'd met you, I knew I loved you. I could never tell if you loved me back, not until you told me. And on that day, I was so happy. The truth was out, this love wasn't one sided. But to see you actually act on it and do this? Well, I was blown away. You are amazing and brilliant and I can't wait to begin our travels again, not as Ms. Tyler, but as Mrs. Smith.

"I promise to stay by your side as long as possible, to do whatever need be to keep you safe. I promise to love you in the way you need and want. I promise to help keep your loneliness. And I promise, most of all, to be yours for my eternity." Rose finished with tears of happiness in her eyes, finally looting her heart out wholly to her love. He was gazing down at her with a look of pure adoration and love, she felt herself swell and nearly explode with joy.

"Rose, oh Rose." The Doctor began, squeezing her hand in his. "I know you've struggled so much, sacrificed even more just to be with me. I didn't see that you loved me back for so long, and when I figured it out, I tried to push it away. Now I know that I can't do that. I have to accept my feelings for you. Over these past months, I've fallen for you even more, and I finally decided to do what my hearts desired." The priest sent The Doctor a weird look at 'hearts' but then got rid of the expression on his face, assuming it was a mistake. "Rose, I'm so glad you are mine and nothing is hidden about our feelings any longer. I love you.

"Therefore, I promise to love you with all I've got. I promise to protect you from all the monsters and dangers out there. I promise I will give you all the time you can stay with me. I promise to place you first and never to let you go. I promise to be more than what I was when you found me, and to be the man you need." The Doctor finished, sharing a similar moment with Rose as they had after she'd said her vows.

"Are there no objections to the Union of these two?" The priest asked, looking at Rose's mum and Mickey. Mickey fidgeted but said nothing, not looking pleased. "Then you may exchange rings."

The Doctor slid Rose's ring into her finger. It was gorgeous. The TARDIS blue stone was small among the branch like pieces of the silver ring. The stone was entwined, but not to the point where it looking like it was trapped. It just looked protected. It fit Rose well. Rose took a glance at her mum, and her stomach knotted at the tears in Jackie's eyes.

Rose looked away and slipped The Doctor's ring on his finger. It was a simple marriage ring, plain on the outside. But the inside, however, had been carved into a beautiful design with Gallifreyan the TARDIS had helped her to get. Normally it wouldn't translate for her, but just once it offered to.

"You may now kiss the bride." The Doctor leaned into his wife and kissed her wholly on the mouth. There was gentleness in this kiss. They both ignored the undertone demanding more in their bodies. They pulled away, but stayed embraced. They smiled at one another. They were one. They were whole.


Jackie wasn't happy to see them off again, but she knew since they'd just been married they were off to have a wonderful honeymoon. At the very beginning, she hadn't wanted Rose to marry The Doctor. In fact, it took several days of Rose and The Doctor trying to convince her for Jackie to let them. But once she saw it happen, she was so happy for them. She'd never thought she'd see her daughter end up so happy, and with an alien.

She hugged Rose tightly as they prepared to depart. Despite his complaints, she pulled The Doctor in for a bear hug, saying something about being his mother-in-law now. He groaned, but she pulled away, letting them leave. She tried to suppress the sad feeling in her heart as she watched the TARDIS take off and take her baby away from her, to a new life where she didn't need her mum. Where she only needed The Doctor.


The Doctor set the TARDIS to roam in space and gazed at Rose. She still wore her dress, and The Doctor couldn't help but notice how amazing she fit into it. He let his mind wander, for once, about Rose. It was their wedding night. Would Rose want to do what most couples did on their wedding night? If not, he understood, but he found himself hoping she would. After all, Time Lords and Humans were compatible.

Rose grinned at him and approached him, similar thoughts on her mind. She grabbed his hand. "Hello, husband."

"Hello, wife." He murmured back, taking a step closer. His breath landed on her head and she inched a little closer. She loved the feeling of being so close to him. She didn't think she'd ever been so happy to be close to someone before. Not even Mickey.

"So, um..." She bit her lip, thinking back to her earlier thoughts of what The Doctor would want to do tonight. "This is a bit awkward, but we're married now so it doesn't matter. What do you want to do about tonight? You know, wedding night and all."

The Doctor swallowed and then coughed. "Well, uh, whatever you do." So Rose took the hint and kissed him full and hard on the lips. He smiled into their kiss then picked her up, bridal style, and carried her to her room. They continued what they'd begun on her bed.


So that was a bit awkward, sorry. What do you guys think about them as married? I don't know if I did the right thing, please let me know.

I'm not sure I did the whole order of the wedding right. I haven't been to any in like a few years so I've forgotten the order.

The next chapter will be about their honeymoon and what happens there.


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