In case you probably didn't read the description this book is about a boy, Zack, who isn't what girls expect. Simply not that kind of boy. That's why he has not many girls as friends as the other boys. But then, from the nothing, he finds Bella. She's different, she doesn't want this charming, handsome guy, she wants boys to be them by themselves. (Actually this wasn't in the description so I kinda spoiled the story, but... Whatever!)
Zack's POV
I turned my phone off. I didn't wanted to hear more of it. It was exhausting to hear bad songs when there's a lot of good ones. I got into my typical and regular clothes which were, in case wondering, some snickers, a button up shirt and a random pant.
I went downstairs to my kitchen where I found Dog eating my breakfast. I got really disappointed because today was Wednesday of Bacon and I really needed some bacon proteins in me (if it has some). I was about to spank Dog for being such a jerk when I, don't know why, looked at the clock. It said 8:34, eleven minutes before getting late to school. I forgot about Dog's spank, (because really he can't help being the dog he is) ,and got ahold of all my sister's bacon that was left and ran to school.
As I entered the classroom I saw Mr. Mesteeh or Dragon-Guy as I call him.
"Excuse me, Mr. Night!? But since, as I recall,for the third time in the week, you have come late to my class. So as a reprimand you have to stay at detention for an hour at the end of each school day for a week." He paused and looked into my eyes "Now, Mr. Night, please enter, sit, and pay attention." He again paused to grab his book to continue the teaching "Okay class, we were commenting, before the rude interruption of Mr. Night, about some great men like Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Thomas Edison. Some other suggestions?"
I looked into my desk to see if I could find something to entertain me with.
" Albert Einstein!" Said Evan Vanner
I don't actually know him. I just know he's really a brainy and that he's really timid, also. He's more a science fair project partner than a friend. That's why we haven't hanged out, and provably we'll never do it.
"Some more? It's easy-cheesy, just think of someone that you really admire like, y don't know, Napoleon?"
What's the thing with all of them. If you put all of their similarities together you get what makes them famous or well known or known. They were this innovating guys who planned everything and wanted everything to be as perfect as it could be. I totally HATE perfectness or perfection. People will never be perfect but people expect others to BE perfect. I don't ever want to be perfect. Because if I would I wouldn't be me. I just read this anonymous tweet that says: we are born to be real no to be perfect. It so true! I don't like people who act as if they are perfect, because mostly they aren't.
"My grandparents," I say trying out this new way of rebelling against perfection.
"Excuse me!?" Dragon-Guy exclaims astonished "What kind of joke is this! We are talking about Napoleon, Lincoln, Washington and you tell me your grandparents!?"
I love to make my teachers mad. It's so entertaining.
"That's right, and, using your typical British phrase, as I recall you asked me or us about someone we admire and I admire them. Are you trying to teach me to be disobedient?"
He only stared at my eyes like some psychopath or something while I enjoyed my triumph. I held my face up and my proud soul sang joyfully (too much Bible-way talking, right?).
"Well as I see, while you recover I'll go to the bathroom to comb a little and wash my face. Bye bye!"
He was still staring at me like he wanted to strangulate me but he couldn't. I had won. I always win. And even if I loose I win. (Didn't got it, right? Well, welcome to my world!)

100 Things 4 U
Teen FictionPeople always or mostly expect boys to be the super-mega handsome, gentleman, cute, nice, perfect, unique, athletic, humble, and... Oh well, you must know that! What I'm trying to say is that boys sometimes are not what girls expect them to be. Tha...