I sat in my bed. Crying. Crying because my life stinks. Nothing is worth it . I don't care if people say that boys don't cry, I cry and guess what? I'm a boy! Life should be perfect, mine is the opposite.
Love is the answer... Love doesn't mean something for me. Love is, for me, this temporary feeling that doesn't mean a thing. Nobody Loves me and I have no reason to love someone.
I had nothing to do that day. Dallas was at some random date with a random girl. So there was no way I was calling Kriss to come over. Finally I decided to call my new friend Sabrina.
I was to meet her at Mc. Donald's at 5:30. And it was 4:43. I went fast-shopping just to buy some clothes to look sharp (hey! I've got to get a partner!).
I quickly drove to Mc. Donald's and picked a very decent table (the one with only two seats that mostly all couples use). I got into the small portion of french fries and dipped them into my ketchup (I really love to so that).
After I was over I started to get bored. 5:34, four minutes late. I sat there waiting for her to appear for at least another ten minutes and then, when I was about to give up, she appeared. She had her blond hair tied in the Elsa, from the Frozen Movie, type of braid. She was wearing the same clothes that she had wear this morning.
When she spotted me, a slow gentle smile spread across her face.
"Hey!" She said as she took the only seat left
" Hey." I said timidly in response
The awkward silence filled the Mc. Donald's room.
" You look really nice, if I may say." She finally spoke
(Thanks for the help, Sabrina.)
"I did some shopping today."
"So I see. You have siblings?" She asked
"Yeah, one sister. Her name is Emily."
I started to stare at her. She was pretty.
"You are pretty, really pretty." I started to get near her (ok, that is really strange. Maybe I ate too much french fries.)
My face was really near hers really.
She stopped me. Then suddenly took a deep (very deep) breath and said, looking right in my eyes.
"Okay, this is really hard to tell... But see..." I knew what came " You aren't my type and probably you will never be. Right from the beginning you send me that text I knew what where you trying to do. I don't want to make anything harder for you but if you just were different. We can be friends. But no, no, and no. If you could just give me more..."
I looked down. No need to love if love doesn't love you (I know it doesn't make sense but look what I'm going through!)
"Yeah well, you are right, I guess. I'm not going to be someone's type ever." She hugged me gently and left, after saying sorry to me.
I was totally depressed. Life wasn't worth it.
My head was low, my heart sank, my soul wailed, my mind was in sorrow and mi eyes were flooded with tears.
I pushed the door open and accidentally knocked someone who was entering. I lifted my head to apologise but i was suddenly dumb (the not able to speak " dumb" not the stupid one). She was beautiful! Long blond hair, deep green eyes, tall (not as me but,), and just amazingly beautiful.
"I'm sorry for pushing you." She said almost in a whisper
"N... No, it was my fault. Well I don't know really, but as men and boys always should do, I'll take it."
"Don't be whom you are not."
"What?" I asked astonished
She lifted her head and looked directly at me.
"You are a very nice boy, but don't ever be what people want you to be. If you want to be a super strange cowboy dressed in a skirt and sandals then be that!"
I smiled as she smiled back.
"Okay then, it's probably your fault. But lets ask the manager of this so greasy place if we can see what the security cameras recorded. Then will get a judge, the old ones, and make him or her see the video and give his or her verdict." I said goofily
"You are such a boy aren't you?" She said
"Yes I am."
I felt as if I was melting.
"May I have your name?"I
My name! This is getting better! (Ok, maybe it wasn't the french fries)
"Za...my name is Zack."
"Nice name, Zack."
"May I have yours?"
"My name is Bella. And I only like boys who are as they want to be."

100 Things 4 U
Teen FictionPeople always or mostly expect boys to be the super-mega handsome, gentleman, cute, nice, perfect, unique, athletic, humble, and... Oh well, you must know that! What I'm trying to say is that boys sometimes are not what girls expect them to be. Tha...