Ok, I'm really sorry for not updating but I've going through a lot of class work and a couple of other things, but I'm alive so here's the update. Enjoy it!!!Zack's POV
I think I just ruined it all!
"Ok, I'm sorry for that!" I say apologising
"Oh don't worry it was kind of a date but I wasn't sure how to ask you out. I mean, it's my first date."
"Fist date!? I was supposing you had more experience.... Actually that didn't sounded as good as it did on my head. But why? Where you on a monastery or locked up in a tower?" I say
"What?, of course not! I just wasn't so into boys I just liked to be in my room and draw or sing or bake cupcakes. I just thought that boys where a waste of time. I thought there liked you for like a week and then when they got tired of you they left you, dumped and heart broken. So I ignored every chance of contact with boys like skipping dances or parties. I mean I'm not the kind of person who just locks herself up in her room. I did other things like I told you draw or bake or invited some real friends to hang out. But when I met you there, you changed my whole point of view. You are just different from all of them."
"Well, thank you? If what I interpreted was what you meant, if not, lets still go with that. Well then I'm certainly happy and well pleased for your invitation if I'm, then, the first boy who has stepped in this house. It feels almost as incredible as being the first man in the moon."
"Okay... Well, watch to see a movie or do something? Because the cupcakes will take their time."
"A movie will be fine, a Pixar movie. I love Pixar movies! I liked Toy Story but Finding Nemo is way better."
She looks at me as if I was just a child. I feel myself blushing. (I just realised that I have said something really stupid. Now she'll think I'm a total infant!). She smiles gently and says:
"You know, now I know that you'll never lie to me. You tell me random personal things and you aren't afraid to say it. Ok , that was my speech. Now I have Finding Nemo but if you want maybe we could see..."
"Finding Nemo will be fine."
She smiles at me as she turns to put on the CD (yep no Netflix here!).
"Describe yourself in one word." I say
I like to ask people that to see if their perception of themselves is the same as the one I have for them.
"What? Cupcake you said?" I ask confused
"Yes! Cupcake, with frosting on the top and toppings. You know why?" She asks, I shake my head no "Because I'm bright, sweet and very spontaneous and that's what I think cupcakes are."
"Certainly spontaneous, I say. You know what else cupcakes do, they get hot! Really hot!"
She turns her head and punches me gently on the arm. I laugh.
"Oh you!"
"Ok sorry. Now describe me in one word."
She stops and says after a while.
"I can't."
"Why?" I ask gloomily
"Don't mis understand me, I said that because there's so much words that describe how perfect you are..." She blushes "I meant how cool and funny and weird, in the good way, you are. Y could fill the whole Thames river with words to describe you."
I stop whatever I'm doing and smile.
I like her. I do. I like her because she likes me exactly the way I am, she doesn't expect something from me that she knows I can't give her. She doesn't want me to be her knight or to be her price. She likes me the way I am, that's why I like her, that's why I love her.
(Wait, do I love her? Do I really feel she's my universe? Well I'll figure it out as I go on.)"Movie's ready!" She announces
I sit at her side. At her side. That's where I want to be. For forever.

100 Things 4 U
Teen FictionPeople always or mostly expect boys to be the super-mega handsome, gentleman, cute, nice, perfect, unique, athletic, humble, and... Oh well, you must know that! What I'm trying to say is that boys sometimes are not what girls expect them to be. Tha...