Bella's POV
I sat at the edge of my bed. It had been only some hours since I saw his but I missed him sooo much! (Ok I don't know what was going inside my head at that exact second!)
I finally decided to go downstairs and make some cupcakes to eat and relax.
One fact about me is that I totally love cupcakes, maybe I can be called cupcake maniac cause I am that! I know all the famous and most know recipes by memory and I have made two hundred chocolate with white icing cupcakes for my grandma's wedding (yep, young and free!). I once for Halloween dressed as a giant cupcake. My costume sparkled a lot and also was very very pinky. Ever since I can remember I have made cupcakes, it's kind of my essence. My mom taught me and my sister when we were very young.(Is it a bad time to tell you that I have a twin sister?) Well I do! Her name is Jennifer. She's really cool and funny but we are a bit different in the outside. You'll ask: how can that be if you both are twins! Well I know we are twins but she is totally different from me. She uses really high heels and uses lots of eyeliner, kinda gothic but no so much. She has dark brown eyes and a timid smile. She always ties her hair in a high pony tail and never curls it. She is always dating really tall boys because she love highness (that's the way she is!).
Well she's also coming here next month, she lives with Daddy so we always Skype-Call or FaceTime a lot.
I took out all the ingredients and then it got to me. Why wouldn't I call Zack to come and bake with me. It would be fun and really cute. (I want it to all be magic, I want him to be the one who does the most to catch me if I fall but I want to make him be with me also.) (yep I was really weird!).
I sent him a text from Facebook and began working the dough . It was all sticky and heavy.
Hi Zack,
I was thinking that u could come over and bake some cupcakes with me. It's 88DoubleStreet just cross the Edwin Rose street and right there is my house. It's grey with two floors and a small fence at the entrance.
If U decide to come, on the way get some sugar. (And maybe a chocolate)***
After the dough was alright I turned on my TV and began zapping to find a nice TV show. I also got into some baby food because I don't care what you say, I love it. I like the mixed one but also the apple and peach.
Finally after getting over one episode of Once Upon A Time I heard a knocking.
I went down the steps by three and open the door exited.
" You ordered a boy with an extra of sugar and a Hershey's?"
(Finally!! I want to hug him until there is no more air in his lungs but... No.)
"That was an awful joke. You see I didn't ordered , I texted so it didn't work." I said about to laugh
"Oh how come? You re about to laugh, aren't you?"
"No..." I said knowing the answer was yes "Just get inside."
As he entered he looked all around the house. His eyes sparkled as he looked at the walls and mirros and ceilings (since every word is plural: mirrors, walls. I wrote ceilings but there was only one, just to clarify that.) there were also some paintings that caught his atention.
"Kitchen's here!" I said
"Oh yep! Sorry, just got caught by your paintings and the Barrocco style."
He placed the sugar on top of the counter and smiled.
"Sow what are we baking, Chef?" He said
"Chef? Like that. It fills me with authority. Apprentice we are baking cupcakes."
"Let get doing it, what first?" He asked laughing about what I had just said
"I already did the dough so..." I said
"Excuse me Mrs. Chef but you just spoiled my intention of throwing you flour while doing the dough so I'll just conform with the icing."
"You where about to what!? Don't you dare because I love this outfit!" I said stomping my feet "You'll do the icing while I put the dough into the cups and get them inside the oven."As he started with the icing I gently began pouring the dough in the cups. (Now if you think this is my idea of a romantic time you are totally wronggg! This is only a fun experience with a friend.)
The cupcakes were baking and I sat in the couch while Zack went through some magazines.
"Taylor Swift will marry Calvin Harris!? I was hoping our relationship would work," he looked at me and continued "you know, me and Taylor. We were meant to be!"
"You and Taylor!? Oh my God how could you possibly have a even a date with Taylor Alison Swift!?" I said cracking up in laughter
"I have the chance but I don't need it. I mean I don't need to date someone if there is already something..."
Something? Oh I like this!!!
"Already?""Yep," then he stared at me with a scared face and said "this is a date
, right?"I don't know what to sayy!

100 Things 4 U
Teen FictionPeople always or mostly expect boys to be the super-mega handsome, gentleman, cute, nice, perfect, unique, athletic, humble, and... Oh well, you must know that! What I'm trying to say is that boys sometimes are not what girls expect them to be. Tha...