I was in love with Mc. Bella (I call her that because we met at Mc. Donald's and her name is Bella). Her name was Bella. I was about to call her when it got to me that she hadn't told me her phone number. I had to get to Bella. She was so different than Sabrina and Olivia. She was so free, so not tied up.
I Googled her from my cellphone. (I'm totally not a maniac I just needed her). I finally found her account for Facebook and texted her:
Hi, I'm Zack. The Mc. Donald's guy whom you taught to be himself. Give me your phone number so that I don't have to spend my wireless network. ;)
I waited a minute but it looked like a year. We actually don't know each other. I only know her name and she knows mine. She must be something like sixteen and I am 17 and a half years old (years old is such an awkward word for me). I wish I could know her more.
Finally she answered:
I don't have to spend my wireless network, is sooo Zackish, if u don't know what it means then that makes two of us. I sometimes invent words because there are not 4 the situation. Well hi, Zack. U were asking 4 my phone number didn't u? Well I'm not giving it to u until I know u more. So sorry but no. On the other hand, I think or suggest we should meet. If u say yes then text me and tell me when and where.
Byeeeeee <3 <3
I reread the text ( a very long text) and got excited. Was she proposing a date? No! Probably not, maybe she just needs to tell me to give up whatever I feel for her. I don't know what love anymore so I must been developing some kind of tiny attraction for her. But then what did <3 meant...? Well probably what girls always put in their texts. Wait I have to choose the place? Should it be a super fancy restaurant? Yep, she'll love it! Maybe she'll bring a dress on. But if she brings one then I've gotta get fancy or it will be a awful match. I'll use dress pants and a tie. (I love ties so much!)
Wait... I have to be myself not Kriss or any other guy. So then, being me, where would I go? I looked over to my window, the day was dark. It probably would rain. The park! A perfect idea, I can get her a hot dog and some cookies. There is also this special place in the park where I always went as a kid to hide. Every time my parents began a fight I went there to hide. I went there to cry, to wail, to free myself from the burden they rudely had put in me. Dog always went with me. I love Dog so much. He is like my second best friend, or maybe the first.
That special place was a abandoned pergola. It was filled with red and white roses and it had a tiny pond in which a small frog lives (I actually don't know if it is alive). It has every column painted in white and it has a domed ceiling. I love to go there with Dog and eat my Granny's homemade cookies.
I texted her I would pick her up at 4:40 ,in the Mc. Donald's we met the other day, and take to my spacial place.
I put some casual clothes on but not so casual because whatever I was feeling for her I liked it and wanted her to have a good impression of me without exaggerating or been Kriss-like.
After I had brushed my teeth I picked up my keys and went for Mc. Bella. It was 4:25 a little early.Bella's POV
I couldn't decide what to wear. He told me to wear something casual or normal, just the way I love it. I like him. He is a very different boy. I decided to put on a plane white dress. I put some makeup on my face just to look presentable and curled a little my hair. It was already 4:37. I was going to be late!
I began to worry, he'll wait. Well probably he would but as his Zackish style he'll probably tell me how much he had to wait.
I took some money to pay a taxi and got out of my house.

100 Things 4 U
Ficção AdolescentePeople always or mostly expect boys to be the super-mega handsome, gentleman, cute, nice, perfect, unique, athletic, humble, and... Oh well, you must know that! What I'm trying to say is that boys sometimes are not what girls expect them to be. Tha...