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Zack's POV
I have been waiting for her. It's 4:43 and she hasn't come yet. Only three minutes late. I'm sitting in the same table I sat with Sabrina. I haven't ordered french fries (just in case!). I was texting Dallas when I heard her voice.
"Hi, Zack." She said
She was so, SO, beautiful! She had a white dress that made her green eyes look so greenish.
"You look..." I answered (half, answered...)
She suddenly made a sad face and said gloomily.
"No! You are beautiful, so pretty, so... So amazing!"
She blushed.
"May I take you to a very special place?" I say recovering from the best shock I've ever had.
"Yes, you may." She says smiling
Bella's POV
At first I was scared that he might take me to some uncomfortable place but when I saw where he was going I got really exited.
"This is it." He said after parking his car and leading me to a nice park
"Well, I don't know what to say."
I really didn't. I wanted something more romantic! But if he's being himself then I like it.
"No, it's not actually this." I seriously don't get this boy but I seriously love him also
"I don't get it." I simply said
"Nobody does! But whatever, I have to take to a very important place in this park. It's part of my infancy also so it's a very amazing place for me."
He took me by the hand so gently. (I sooo excited! And he is being totally himself so I like it even more!). He began to run to this lonel part of the park and then turned his head to me and said:
"We're getting near so hold on, this park is big!" It is big! I thought.
After running over and over he stoppet abruptly and I saw this beautiful pergola covered with red and white roses and some other plants. It was a tall structure painted in a palish white. It was so nice and romantic. I looked down to see this small pond in which a tiny green frog laid on a rock. There was a place to seat in the borders also.
"I love it!" I said
"You do?" He said
"Of course I do! Just look at all of this, it's so original, so beautiful. Thank you, thank you so much for this." I said hugging him
He smelled coconut. Coconut. Coco-Zack, that's how I'll name him.
"Want a hotdog?" He suddenly asked
"Don't tell me you have a hotdog machine or something like that in here!?"
"No," he says laughing "There's this guy ,near the fountain, that sells hotdogs. So, want one?"
"That's the first thing I want from you."
"One thing for you, then." He said taking my hand again to lead me out
One thing for you then...1 thing 4 U....
I was, this time, really inspired. Hope u like it. So remember: number one: hotdog.

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