Zack's POV
I have been waiting for her. It's 4:43 and she hasn't come yet. Only three minutes late. I'm sitting in the same table I sat with Sabrina. I haven't ordered french fries (just in case!). I was texting Dallas when I heard her voice.
"Hi, Zack." She said
She was so, SO, beautiful! She had a white dress that made her green eyes look so greenish.
"You look..." I answered (half, answered...)
She suddenly made a sad face and said gloomily.
"No! You are beautiful, so pretty, so... So amazing!"
She blushed.
"May I take you to a very special place?" I say recovering from the best shock I've ever had.
"Yes, you may." She says smiling
Bella's POV
At first I was scared that he might take me to some uncomfortable place but when I saw where he was going I got really exited.
"This is it." He said after parking his car and leading me to a nice park
"Well, I don't know what to say."
I really didn't. I wanted something more romantic! But if he's being himself then I like it.
"No, it's not actually this." I seriously don't get this boy but I seriously love him also
"I don't get it." I simply said
"Nobody does! But whatever, I have to take to a very important place in this park. It's part of my infancy also so it's a very amazing place for me."
He took me by the hand so gently. (I sooo excited! And he is being totally himself so I like it even more!). He began to run to this lonel part of the park and then turned his head to me and said:
"We're getting near so hold on, this park is big!" It is big! I thought.
After running over and over he stoppet abruptly and I saw this beautiful pergola covered with red and white roses and some other plants. It was a tall structure painted in a palish white. It was so nice and romantic. I looked down to see this small pond in which a tiny green frog laid on a rock. There was a place to seat in the borders also.
"I love it!" I said
"You do?" He said
"Of course I do! Just look at all of this, it's so original, so beautiful. Thank you, thank you so much for this." I said hugging him
He smelled coconut. Coconut. Coco-Zack, that's how I'll name him.
"Want a hotdog?" He suddenly asked
"Don't tell me you have a hotdog machine or something like that in here!?"
"No," he says laughing "There's this guy ,near the fountain, that sells hotdogs. So, want one?"
"That's the first thing I want from you."
"One thing for you, then." He said taking my hand again to lead me out
One thing for you then...1 thing 4 U....
I was, this time, really inspired. Hope u like it. So remember: number one: hotdog.

100 Things 4 U
Teen FictionPeople always or mostly expect boys to be the super-mega handsome, gentleman, cute, nice, perfect, unique, athletic, humble, and... Oh well, you must know that! What I'm trying to say is that boys sometimes are not what girls expect them to be. Tha...