Bonjur(that's the way to spell it, I think...). Just to clarify, although it's probably obvious, I'm not French. So here is chappeh 11 (as you see I'm in a very good mood). In this chapter there shall be no tears and only pure happinesssssssssssss!!!! YAY! Today I woke up with this thought... POTATOES. I went with my sistah and bought a bag full of potatoes and ate them (not all of them!) and they make me this hyperactive happy person! So have the best they ever!! And buy some potatoes for heaven's sake! Oh and sorry for not currently updating but I was wifi grounded for kinda like a month so well....Zack's POV
I woke up in a jump.
"Hello day! Hello floor! Hello bed! Hello Dog! Hello everyone!" I said yelling
To explain you why I am so happy there is only one word.... CANDY! Yesterday Dallas brought home a bag full of candy and we ate it all before sleeping, so I've woken up really happy, positive, exited, and whatnot.
I ran downstairs after washing my face rapidly with my oatmeal soap (don't judge me, I love those soaps!). When I got near to the kitchen the scent of pancakes made my mouth water. I entered to the kitchen to see my sister and my mom sitting on the kitchen table.
"Hello sistah!" I said to Emily after kissing her in her forehead
"Eww, Zack!" She said in response
I smiled and headed in Mom's direction. As she saw me she jumped off her chair and said:
"Oh no Zack, I have this important reunion and my makeup has to perfect."
"But it's just a hug!" I said
Actually it was a kiss but...
"Oh, a hug is okay." She said
We both hugged and then I heard Emily said:
"Hey, Zack, don't you have school today? Cause' if you do you're dead because it's already late and you are in your underwear."
School? Do I have school? Nah. But just to check, yesterday was Thursday and the days of the week are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...
"Oh hell no!" I said running back to my room to dress up"Zack! A word like "hell" is not allowed in this house!" Mom said
I dressed up amazingly fast and took my bag and ran downstairs. Mom handed me my breakfast and my keys as I ran to my school.
I live near my school so if walk fast I get there in ten minutes. I ran as fast as my legs allowed me. When I got to the entrance the doors were half open. Damn it! I placed my breakfast on my bag and went to my classroom. I stepped inside the classroom slowly to notice Dragon Guy glaring at me.
"Oh, hello Mr. Night, how are you?" He said in an angry voice
"Good morning, I am fine."
Fine!? I'm totally not fine, I'm actually very happy! But not now. Right now I'm worried, nervous, and hungry. If I get detention my mom might get angry and if she does she'll probably stop me from trying to date Bella. Actually she'll never do something like that because she believes in true love and in the feelings and in that crazy stuff. And, just to add, she doesn't know her.
"Take a seat." He said smiling and pointing to my seatNow get this: Dragon Guy NEVER smiles! Never and never forever and just to say his smile was like a horrid-movie-clown-smile. What if he has a gun. If he has finger-guns (those might exist) and just as he points he shooting a bullet at me. Nah, he'd never do a thing like that... Would he? Probably not. But the bright side is that I don't have detention!
"Thanks." I say
I hear Olivia giggle. Haha, I'm so glad I don't depend on her anymore!
The class went well and for the rest of the school day I didn't bother to talk to anyone except Dallas who still tried to stop me from giving Bella the gift. Have I told you what it is? I haven't? YAY!! Then let's go with this suspenseful moment.
As the bell rang (which, by the way, means school day is over) I lifted my butt of the chair (okay I haven't eaten French fries so I don't know what is it with me). After I had put in my bag the books I needed for homework and left the others in my locker I headed outside but a hand grabbed my shoulder. I turned around and saw Dragon Guy with his horrid-movie-clown-smile.
"Where are you going ,Mr. Night." He said pointing at the door
Pointing and smile.... He's gonna shoot the bullet!
"To my home?" I say (actually I asked)
"No," he says shaking his head no
"You are going to come with me to detention class."
BUM!! The bullet is already in.
"Let me tell my mother." I say hoping that fake calling her will work
"Okay when you are done I'd like to talk to her about some other things too."
What the heck!? Is he crazy or what!? First: what kind of teacher talks to mothers on cellphones. Second: he knows that I'm gonna fake call her.
I dialled my mom's cellphone and waited. She picked up on the first ring.
"Hello? Zack?"
"Yes it's me mom."
"What's going on?"
"Nothing. It's just that only because I came late to Mr. Mesteeh's class because I felt a little sick yesterday and woke up late and with a headache, he put me in detention, so I guess I'm heading to the house a little late ,although I'll miss you."I need an award on acting and lying. Although I shouldn't be proud about the last part but whatever!
"You felt sick yesterday?" She asked
"What? Yes, of course! I felt really sick."
"But you where playing with Dallas. I thought you were fine and having fun."
Playing!? It's called hanging out!
"Well yeah but I felt kind of sick." I said (actually I was lying but whatever!)
"But you woke up very happy and positive? You didn't seemed sick or with a headache." She said
Damn it! She perceives every single thing!
"I was just trying to not worry you more." I said
I feel bad for lying to my mom but I have to do this.
"Honey! You can't keep things like that from me!" She said
Okay... What the heck!?
"I'm sorry mom." I simply said
"Pass the phone to your teacher, is he there? Is he Mr. Mesteeh?" She asked
"Yes, he's here."
"Hand him the phone, I'll tell him it wasn't your fault, don't worry honey everything will be fine."
I did as she said, before telling to Dragon Guy my mom wanted to talk to him.
After their big, pathetic, debate I was free to go home.
On my way I saw Bella walking out of Starbucks and I headed her way."Hello, young lady." I said hugging her from the back
"Ahh!" She yelled
Then she turned to realise it was only me.
"Oh it's you, you dumb potato chip bag! You scared my face off!"
"Potato chip bag? Me? You've hurt my most deep feelings."
"So what's up?" She said changing topic
"Nothing really, but today I'm really happy! So what's on with you?"
"My sister is coming in a few days."
"Wait. You have a sister?"
"Yeah but she lives with Daddy... I mean with my dad. Yeah... dad."
"Oh cool... Actually that's not cool."
"Whatever don't worry so much on little things."
"Wanna go somewhere?" I asked changing topic
I do that a lot when things get awkward or its bored. (In this case it was awkward,not boring)
"What?" She said
"I asked if you want to go somewhere like the park or Mc. Donald's or movies or something. I pay ,if I have money."
"Sir Zack are you requesting a time with Bella." She said poking my stomach
"Yes," I simply said smiling
"Well too bad. I have a reading club to attend and after that I'm heading to the library to count every book of the children's section and after that I've got Salsa lessons."
"Oh, really?" I asked
"Yes, of course. Aren't my expressions believable?"
"Nope. Actually nothing of what you said seemed true." I said putting my serious face
"What you are so wrong..." I looked at her "okay, okay maybe I'm not going to the library and maybe I will never in my life attend to forced reading sessions."
"I thought you said book club?" I asked confused
"What's the difference?"
"Hey you still haven't admitted about your fake salsa lessons."
"Oh about that... I do take salsa lessons. My aunt is the teacher so she said she had reserved me a space so I do have salsa lessons... Two hours on Monday and Wednesday... Carver Avenue 987 near a Starbucks." She said
"She should pay you for promote the lessons."I said
"I'm not promoting, I'm just adding extra information."
"Okay." I said
"Okay." She said
"Okay" I said
"Hey we are not doing this ever again!"
"Yeah that was weird."
"You said something about movies." She asked
"I did?... Oh yes there are some cool movies and I have some coupons, actually there are my mom's but she won't mind."
"Do you know what movie you want to see?"
"Nope but we can see that when we get there."
"Okay, so in about an hour meet me at the movies, okay?"
"Yes, see ha'"
"Bye"There I'll give her the gift.

100 Things 4 U
Teen FictionPeople always or mostly expect boys to be the super-mega handsome, gentleman, cute, nice, perfect, unique, athletic, humble, and... Oh well, you must know that! What I'm trying to say is that boys sometimes are not what girls expect them to be. Tha...