001 | Leo Valdez

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It's been a while since you've first arrived here to Camp Half-Blood. Around two or three months to be exact. The first time you were told that you were the daughter of Hermes, it came to you as a shock. How come your mom never told you this? And apparently you had other half siblings too? It was strange to be suddenly welcomed in with open arms from people you didn't know, but it wasn't bad.

Though there was one particular person who caught your attention in an instant, and suddenly you felt like your breath got taken away.

Leo Valdez. Certified 'lover boy' as he called himself, but occasionally he'd also add 'bad boy supreme' too. The little elvish man managed to make your brain feel foggy and your heart feel stupid every time he was near. According to others, he was relatively attractive for being the son of 'an ugly God', which you found to be insulting.

You've been told many times that Leo and you shared the same personality, and only now are you able to understand why. Thanks to the help of Annabeth, you've been told what your father and his other children are like. Personality wise, we love to cause mischief, we crack an occasional joke or two (usually during the worst times) and overall we like to have fun. Oh, that and your ridiculously pointy ears you are just now noticing after being alive for so long. In reality, he could pass by as a brother (but thank the Gods he isn't.)

With the help of your idiot older half-brothers, Connor and Travis, you managed to make friends quickly with the other members of the camp easily. Though you did notice how some did stay away from you three, given that you've been told your half-brothers cause mischief amongst the campers. Great. Now you'll have to make your own reputation as being 'the one that won't pickpocket you' child of Hermes.

Today is the day you were all supposed to gather together to do some sort of 'group activity' today, which consisted of swimming, rock climbing, and some other shit you can't bother to remember. Some members of Camp Jupiter who were willing to participate would be joining as well. But what you were excited for was the dinner that was going to be prepared by Frank. You thank the Gods daily that they brought him here, he makes the best food.

From your knowledge, there were around 20 cabins, though there are twelve main cabins, excluding Hades (for some unknown reason). As well as your cabin being the one to take in kids who have 'minor' God parents and the ones who remain unclaimed, which is actually quite a lot. So therefore, you have the biggest cabin on sight, other than Zues and Hera's cabin of course (but your's seems to be more damaged than the rest). And you just so happen to be lucky to live right next door to the Hephaestus cabin, where your crush currently resides with his other half-siblings as well. For the group activities, two cabins would be grouped together to make the group smaller. It'd go by twos, so Zeus and Poseidon, Ares and Apollo, Hera and Demeter, Athena and Artemis, Aphrodite and Dioynsus, and low and behold, Hephaesteus and Hermes. The Gods played this in your favor.

Later as the day progressed, you seemed to be getting nowhere with this kid, he was always moving around and talking to everyone but you. Did he not like you?


Soon, dinner rolled by and every cabin member sat with their respective friends, and you sat along with Percy and the rest. "So, any luck with you know who?" asked the son of Poseidon, to which you just bowed your head with a sigh, followed by a quick head shake to say no. "It feels like he's been ignoring me all day, every time I'd try to go up to him, he'd run off and do something else. He can't seem to stay still at all," you replied, all while picking up a spoonful of the soup that was offered as an appetizer before the real main course was to be served.

Annabeth all but listened in as she sat beside her boyfriend, who was helping out their helpless romantic friend with her problem with Leo. "You know," Annabeth chimed in, "he has severe ADHD, he can't stay still to save his life."



"Percy don't act surprised, you knew." "Oh yeah."

"Well that would explain so much as to why I'd hear him say something in Spanish, but I couldn't understand," you explained how earlier when you were walking past him to get a drink of water after the rock climbing, you heard him mumbling to himself in Spanish. "Yeah, he does that when he's stressed out, it's kinda cool but weird." While Percy spoke, every other friend part of the friend group now began to pile in and sit down with you. First came Hazel with Nico, then came Piper with Jason, and Leo was the last to come with Frank. Both seemed to be talking about something, given that Leo's face seemed flushed while Frank patted his back, but they both quickly went silent when they sat down at the table.

"What were you guys talking about? I don't think I've ever seen Leo so red before," Hazel asked, moving her jacket from the chair next to her which was being saved for her boyfriend. "Nada! ¡No estamos hablando de nada!" Leo quickly replied, though it took him a few seconds to realize he replied back in Spanish. "Huh?" "Nothing!"

So you all sat in silence as you sipped your soup, and honestly you found this delicious, so you couldn't wait for the main course to be served! As everyone went back to conversing with each other, out of the corner of your eye you could see someone was glancing your way. You decided not to look, mainly because you didn't want to embarrass whoever was looking at you by making it obvious you knew, out of the kindness of your heart of course. But as time passed, they didn't look away.

"Leo, you haven't blinked in like five minutes, you okay?" Jason asked, patting the male's back while Piper glanced over. All eyes were on him now.


Little fun fact from the Riordan Wiki on Leo

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Little fun fact from the Riordan Wiki on Leo

- As revealed in The Demigod Diaries, when Leo is stressed, he sometimes slips into Spanish.

- While Leo is a son of Hephaestus, he shares many traits with the children of Hermes, including elvish ears, a mischievous smile, and a love for practical jokes.

- [Little context clue of what Hermes Cabin looks like](Also what Leo said to my non-native Spanish speakers: "Nothing! We weren't talking about anything!")

- [Little context clue of what Hermes Cabin looks like](Also what Leo said to my non-native Spanish speakers: "Nothing! We weren't talking about anything!")

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updated; 61222

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