008 | Leo Valdez

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viii | Leo Valdez

I remember tears streaming down your face when I said I'd never let you go, when all those shadows almost killed your light

You frequently visited Leo, after everything he has dealt with, you were surprised he was able to manage. There were at times when he'd break down in front if you, but you never judged;

You would never judge your best friend.

You knew he was strong, everyone knew it, but he didn't. He turned pale, a ghostly pale, almost like Nico. When he tried to sleep, his nightmares would occur, he could hear the screams of pain from the people he's hurt; including his own mother. When you saw him, his hair would become messy, he'd have bags underneath his eyes, he'd twitch, and flinch at any physical contact made with anyone. Even you, and the sunlight seemed to have blocked Leo's path.

It wasn't healthy for him to be so far from everyone, especially you. You were concerned for his safety, now and then, you would check on him, making sure he was okay, and sometimes, you saw what you didn't like. When you did visit him, this time, his head rested against his work bench, tears streaming down his face, his fists clenched together, causing his hands to turn pale. This was the worst sight, seeing your best friend in pain, being tortured until he physically broke, his mentality along with it too.

I remember you said, "don't leave me here alone", but all that's dead and gone and past, tonight

Seeing him like this hurt you, mentally, and emotionally. He was your best friend, and overall, the person you'd risk your life for. You could hear his sniffles, and his pleads, and you stood there, not being able to bring yourself to comfort him. This time it was different, you would be there, holding him tightly, but you couldn't. Your body froze; everything was slowed down. Your vision saw him slowly sobbing, asking for someone, anyone, to help him.

You couldn't handle it anymore.

The weight was lifted off your shoulders, and you walked to your best friend, that needed a shoulder to cry on. Leo didn't seem to notice, his breathing becoming staccato and quite, why was he in so much pain? Why did your best friend have to deal with this, alone?

Every night, he would have the same nightmare, seeing his house burn down, along with the screams of his mother. He always woke up screaming, gripping his curls tightly. He would be covered in sweat, his tears streaming down his face, and onto his lap. Why couldn't he be strong? No more, no more. Your thoughts then interrupted, and you knew you had to stay by him. Leo will never be alone, again.

Just close your eyes, the sun is going down, you'll be alright, no one can hurt you now, come morning light, you and I'll be safe; and sound

This was torture, this was twisting him; too hard to handle alone. Why couldn't he have just saved his mother, and his house, he wouldn't have to deal with this.
None of this would've happened, his mother would still be alive, and well; but all that's gone now, he couldn't have his happy ending. It was out of his reach, no matter how hard he tried, it kept going further, and further, and further. And when it finally came close to him, just as he would be able to reach it, it would just get pulled back from him, causing him to struggled even more.

You stood behind him, looking down at him as he sobbed harder, his shoulders bouncing up and down; his chest moving rapidly. Your soft and warm hand, gently rested on his shoulder, causing him to only cry more. "Leo..." your voice soft like silk, broke his sobs that echoed in the room.

"You're not alone anymore..."

His whole perspective turned around with your words. He turned around quickly, and engulfed you into a hug, your head against his chest, and his against shoulder. He seemed to have cried a bit more, his chest moving rapidly, and his shoulders bouncing more than it did, causing you more, and more pain.

"I could've done something... "

"Thats all in the past, Leo. You're here with us, we're your new family..."

Something wet fell onto your shirt, he was crying again, and he didn't seem to stop. "Please, never leave me, I won't be able to deal with it if you left my life, I'll be a broken mess, don't leave me here alone," hearing this, caused your heart to break. Leo really would miss you if you left, and possibly the others. "I'll never leave you, Leo. I promise, I'll always be there for you," and you were going to keep it, even if you something happened, you were still going to push forward, and keep the promise, for Leo.

You both sat down on his bed, his arms still wrapped around your waist as he gently placed you on his lap. Your arms around gently wrapped around his neck, making sure he felt the warmth and love he needed; no, the warmth and love he longed for.

"You and I will always be together, no matter what happens. If we go different ways, go far away, over the oceans, we'll still be together."

"No, that's not what I want," his soft voice broke the tension. "I want you by my side, I don't want you to leave me, please, (y/n). I'll be heart broken, being far away from you is torture to me.." his somewhat masculine arms tightened around your waist, meaning that he never wanted to let you go, and you didn't want to let him go either, fearing he might get hurt again, by someone.

Don't you dare look out your window, darlin' everything's on fire, the war outside our door keeps raging on
Curled up to this, lul-la-by, even when the music's gone; gone

Everything around the two of you slowed down, as if time froze around. "Leo..." "I mean it, stay with me..." his voice covered up by your shoulder, his eyes becoming droopy. Your muscles relaxed, and you let out a heavy sigh you didn't know you were holding in. "I love you, Leo. I'll never let you go, I'll never go far away from you. I'll always stay by your side, keeping you safe from anything.."

"Even if I had to sacrifice myself for your safety, then I'd do it," you added in at the end.

A new meaning to life opened up for Leo, he was going to follow it till the very end. Nothing was going to keep him from the light at the end of the road, and at the end, was you. Your love, your everything, that's all he's ever wanted. Both of your grips tightened, not daring to let each other go. His face still rested against your shoulder, and you spoke softly in his esr, "just close your eyes, Leo. I'll be here when you wake up, and I'll be here as long as you need me to be here.." his eyes soon closed, his mouth slowly opened, and he spoke;

"(Y/N), promise me one more thing..."

"Anything, I'll promise anything..."

"Promise me you'll always keep me safe, and sound."

Just close your eyes, the sun is going down, you'll be alright, no one can hurt you now, come morning light, you and I'll be safe; and sound.

Just close your eyes, you'll be alright, come morning light, you and I'll be safe; and sound.

Just close your eyes, you'll be alright, come morning light, you and I'll be safe; and sound

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