012 | Percy Jackson

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xii  | Percy Jackson

" Bob says hello. "
he said to the stars.

Truthfully, you would've done anything, to make sure Damasen and Bob were with you guys, so Bob can say hello.
Instead of having Percy saying it.

All the bad thoughts began to linger, what happened after you left? What happened to Bob, and Damasen? Did they make it out alive? They were the reason you two made it out alive. After that night, everything seemed, odd, for some reason. Everyone was; less distant. But then again, they had you and Percy back from Tartarus; after who knows how long. This is going to take some time to adjust to.

Days have passed, maybe around four or so, and nothing much has changed. Monsters still boarding the Argo II, your friends having to go on, smaller quests just to get what they needed for the bigger quest.

Though August was approaching quickly, and no one really knew what to do. Were they ready? They needed to have everything ready, they needed to have a game plan for when everything was set and prepared for war. But perhaps for now, they could relax for a little and catch up.

Everyone was currently gathered at the dining table they had set outside, sharing laughs and stories, but something bothered one of them. Percy felt, odd. His smile melted, he thought about Bob and Damasen, they sacrificed themselves so he and ____ can be here, to enjoy the laughter with all their friends and the sunlight once more.
It wasn't fair.

Why did they get to enjoy it?

You sensed something was wrong, so you gently placed your hand over his, giving it the tight, yet gentle squeeze that he knew and loved so much. Your small hand over his rather larger one. "So- ... What happened while we were gone? I've been hearing that Frank over here became a Praetor? That's a huge honor," you added, eating some of the soup Coach prepared for you all. "Well, to defeat the monsters, Jason over here couldn't control Nico's freaky zombies, so he had to hand his leadership over to Frank," Leo leaned back against his chair. Jason didn't really have much to say on the matter, he explained it better than Leo did, and why he knew Frank would be able to control over the dead.

Frank could only muster a small chuckle at the question earlier, he waved it off as if it were nothing. Ever since he came back from meeting a minor demigod, he looked different. Sounded different. And apparently no one mentioned it? ( Everyone did when they first saw him, except you and Percy )

"Frank is a natural born leader," Hazel insisted, "he'll make an excellent Praetor, I just know it." She praises her tall boyfriend, he blushed and rubbed the back of his neck soothingly.
Reyna looked over at Frank and chuckled, "he has a heart of a chicken, but I believe you," she said. "I approve."

After a while, Reyna could only stare at the statue, Percy was expecting it to come alive, and to nag at him about certain things.
"Reyna, you're like, amazing. Traveling halfway across the world to answer ____'s message all the way from Tartarus? That sounds pretty freaking heroic to me, Reyna the hero," he joked, giving her a toothy grin.
She could only shrug at his comment, "says the one who fell into Tartarus and found his way back, alive and barely scratched."

"Hey, he had help too," You said, leaning onto Percy's shoulder; bursting into their conversation.

"True, without you, he wouldn't even have been able to find his way out of Ikea." Reyna said. "True," you agreed.

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