006 | Percy Jackson

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vi | Percy Jackson

Percy loves the way you keep him warm safe, with you in his arms. He loves when he can put his arms around your waist, and pull you close. That's his favorite part, but the number 1 thing he loves when he cuddles you?

Neck. Kisses.

That boy can make a straight man go gay for him. Right now, you were in his cabin, reading a book you found on his bed. He was out training with Jason, and you just happened to pass by. He did allow you to go in his cabin when he wasn't there, he trusted you. He trusted you more than anyone else, besides his mom.
While you were into that good book of his, he walked in, all dirty and sweaty from the training. "____, what are you doing here? I thought you were with Piper." He mentioned, its true, you were with Piper earlier.

"Yeah, I was, but then she told me she had a," You did a 'quote' sign. "Fashion emergency."

Percy laughed at your response, at least he got to spend more time with you. "That means I get you all to myself, right?" He pouted, you could never say no to him. "Yes Perseus, you get to spend time with me." He hated when you called him that. "That's not my name!" He whined. "But its cute when you pout, you look like a baby, and its adorable."


You gulped, whenever he said your name like that, you knew it wasn't going to turn out good.

Percy walked towards his bed, he quickly pulled you close before you can quickly get up. "Hey!" You exclaimed, he was getting dirt and sweat all over you! "You're going to pay for calling me that, and your punishment is to cuddle with me, even if I am dirty and sweaty." He ordered, his sweat glistening in the sunlight from the window. "Take a shower first, I don't want to become dirty and icky, its gross." "Just like you." "Hey!"
He only chuckled, holding your waist close so you couldn't move away from him. "Cuddle much?... "
"Percy, please. You smell like tart, and its so gross!" You pouted, now it was his turn to fan over you. When you thought it was cute when he pouted, he thought you were adorable when you pouted. "Awe. You look cute when you pout ____."


You his yourself in the crook of his neck, he was taking this too far. Your whole entire face was booming with red, and you found it embarrassing. However, Percy found it hot and cute. "____, you know when you blush, you get me all worked up, and yet, I just want to pounce on you, but I want to also hold you close. Stop blushing, you're making me go insane." "Aren't you already insane?" You asked. "Rude."
He pulled you closer, till your chests were touching. "Just cuddle me... Please..." He yawned, placing his head in your neck. You gave in, wrapping your arms around his neck. This lovable dork, soon fell asleep in an instant. 'Wow, he really was tired..' You thought, he looked so adorable.

He held you like a teddy bear, he didn't want to let go. He never wanted to let go, you're too important to him. When he came back from Tartarus, he wasn't the same. Soon, he broke up with Annabeth. That's what hit him harder, he was so traumatized from what's been happening to him.

He was like a little kid, trapped. Soon, when you came in, he felt like he could feel happiness again, he wanted to know what happiness was. You helped him along the way, he felt happy, he felt good, to be with you, and only you. You've stayed with him when he was in pain, you listened to him. He was your everything, and you were his everything.



"Please, never leave me. I don't want to be alone anymore..." You felt your neck become wet, was he crying? "Percy.."

"After everything that happened to me..." He paused, for a quick second. "You, you came. I pleaded to the Gods, that they would send someone, like you, here.."

Everything he was saying, did he really mean it? You stayed quite, you didn't want to ruin what he was saying.

"When you helped me, I grew more, and more, in love with you. You're everything a guy can dream to have, everything a girl can dream to be. When I finally told you, I was so happy, that you said yes, I was happy you felt the same way." Percy soon started to cry more.

"Tartarus messed me up, it ruined my last relationship, but I'm glad, I'm glad I have someone better. You're nothing like Annabeth, and I admire you for that." You finally spoke afterwards. "Percy, please. Don't feel bad, you'll always have me, even if we..." You didn't want to finish that sentence, but you had to. "... Even, if we break up, just know, I'll still be your friend. We could start over, and we could be strong together." Your arms were still around him, he was still pulling you close. "I love you, so much..."

"I love you too, promise me, please. That you will never leave my side, even if we aren't together, promise me." Percy mumbled, he seemed a bit happier.

"I promise, okay?"


"And, ____?..." He asked, his eyes were now closed. "Yes, Percy?" You answered. "You're only for me, you're not for Leo, or Jason, or Frank, or Nico. You're only for me, and only me, okay?"

"Same goes for you, Seaweed Breath."

"Hey, I'm not gay, I don't like any of them like that..." He retorted.

Soon, he fell asleep once again. What he said, has got you thinking. How was he when he dated Annabeth, what was his past life, that he's never told you about? If you asked, he probably will grow upset again, and you didn't want that. Your head felt dizzy, you were growing tired, this conversation has gotten you to become sleepy. Or maybe it was just the book.

In overall, this, lovable, Seaweed Breath, just loved to cuddle with you. Even in the best, and even the worst times. "Percy..."

"I'll love you till the end of time..."


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