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At first we thought someone was news-jacking. The television turned on, broadcasting a warning for all civilians. Something was going on in the city, something bad. I had a good laugh with Lucas about it. It wasn't until people began to panic, that we realized something was wrong.

"Look-" Lucas held out his phone, hand shaking slightly. I squinted my eyes at the video. Crowds rushed through New York's streets, away from something. I slam his phone down onto the couch, staring up at him.

"That's not real," I say, as if reassuring myself. It's a big prank. A media stunt.
"There's more videos coming out, people are live streaming, Vivian." I looked at his eyes. He was serious. In all the years of him being my big brother, he was never serious. And that scared me.

Soon, we were packing. I had no plan. Neither did he. When we would get outside, it would all be a big joke. Or the news would broadcast and say they were hacked. Lucas would laugh in my face for being so scared. I remember, when mom wouldn't let me stay up, he would sneak me into his room when she was fast asleep and let me watch R- rated movies. Most about the end of the world. If they could survive, I could too. I threw numerous things in my bag that seemed important, just in case. A flashlight. Food. Money. Two outfits. A lighter I'm not sure will start. As I started to zip up my bag Lucas made his way into my room. "I'm going to check on our neighbors. I'll be back in a few." He says. "Don't go anywhere." I didn't have any time to protest before he was downstairs and out the door. He was too caring. I lied down on my bed, feeling the soft comforter beneath me. I could rest a bit until he returned.

reader warning
because my story is about a zombie apocalypse in the eyes of my teenage character vivian, it consists of things such as:
- violence and slight gore
- mentions of death and or death scenes
despite these things what we lost is safe for work and does not include 18+ material.

authors note
i have started writing this story to express my love for writing and dystopian/apocalypse movies and books. as the storyline progresses vivian will face many challenges, and discover the importance of trust and friendship. there's even a little romance!
if you enjoy all these things as much as i do, stay tuned and continue reading. it means so much to share my creativity with others!
genre is inspired by: the last of us and the walking dead!

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